Diatemaceous Earth

So far, I sprayed the shit out of the backyard with spinosad as well as the DE. So far, 3 days later…no new damage. The Spinosad bottle says I can use it 5 times throughout the season so I will keep it up and the DE for as long as I have too. Really trying to avoid malathion as it kills bees and contaminates groundwater, but damn it, I’ll do it as a last resort.


There are plenty of other options than Malathion. Anything effective will be toxic to bees, hard to make a product that kills insects that doesn’t also kill bees. However, anything you spray will be a drop in the ocean compared to the immense scale farming uses. I purchase pesticides from domyown.com.


Moved all my container plants today, found a bunch of the fuckwigs underneath, they scatter underground so fast, there’s not even time to stomp them. Sprinkled DE to their spots hopefully when they come out at night they will be affected by it. Also found 3 grub worms and trashed them. Don’t think the DE will work on them until they turn into beetles unfortunately. When I find them I usually grab them by hand.


Is this the bag of chewing tobacco your referring to?

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DE wrecks anything with an exoskeleton. You could also try some traps to get the masses under control and maybe plant some deterrent plants.



Yeah, the grubs are still soft-bodied. I have since put traps down, used DE and Sevin powder and sprayed with Spinosad. Think I have those fuckers under control now.

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The Diatomea has cristals that rip those soft bodies and they die dehidrated. That’s why they kill snails and slugs once they cross those barriers I make … :sunglasses:


Yes. It’s very cheap. You can use snuff or dip style tobacco, but it’s super fine and harder to strain out. Beech nut is basically just strips of leaves rather than powder.


Soak it in how much water? Apply as foliar? What’s the ratio per gallon? lol

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I believe it was stated by the OP of one bag of chew per gallon of warm water filter and spray! I assume direct contact to the pest in question is best! Lol

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Thanks man! Sometimes stoners catch on the 2nd time around! :smile:

1 bag of beech-nut chew in one gallon of warm water. Soak for a day, strain, and apply as a foliar or a root drench or both. Nicotine is a surprisingly effective organic pesticide, far more-so than diatomaceous earth.

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Any plants I should avoid spraying?

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Unsure. Nicotine might cause problems for certain plants, but I’ve never had any issues. You can buy concentrated nicotine for such purposes, as well. Most organic remedies just discourage bugs, but nicotine actually kills them, and their eggs.


i use food grade DE and add hand fulls to the animals (piggies ) feed to get rid of parasites. it works really well.