Do you smoke Thai?

Me too! It’s the Spice of life


Bob Marley with some very nice Thai buds.


this was some reggae thai weed for sure… looks like chocolate but smoked better than haze…



Curandero or Shaman, nice :+1:

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Thai harvest 1977


Confiscated Thai sticks
download (17)


beautiful tropical treats they are…


555! Many, many years ago I had a copy of this photo (from a Bangkok Post Newspaper photographer, I think) and I zoomed way the hell in and could read the address on the label on the box! After some detective work I found out it ‘was’ a lawyer’s office in Los Angles! :rofl:



That’s the way they looked. Small packs of sticks about 5 inches long. I forget how many came in one brick. It had such a nice chocolatey, earthy, smell and taste.

Even back then it was $25 a stick, so that load was a costly loss. That’s a crazy pic.



download (67)

From US embassy to Beverly Hills :rofl:


Ahh haaaaaa!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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i heard bob marley loved lamsbreath and thai the most. heard that somewhere.


I really need to look at the dates of posts more carefully (eyes messed up), and remember when I already responded to something.

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Does that qualify as " Hard" Rock?:rofl::joy::rofl:I’m surprised no one beat we to that lol.
They’re pretty good actually. Reminds me of old 80’s hard core/ punk


Interesting story about the disappeared Thai stick.

Originally Posted by m0ng00se
Thai Stick - the true story

Okay everywhere I go on the web these days I see all these stories about the legendary Thai Stick from the 70’s. I also see Seedbanks getting in on the act and purporting to sell the real strain that was used to make Thai stick.

My research and personal experience indicates that they are all simply making up a whole lot of rubbish.

I live in NZ which was the transit point for Thai Stick all over the world. I was there in the 70’s and hooked into the Thai Stick distribution network run by Marty Johnstone and Terry Clarke.

Thai stick was known as “Buddha Stick” and as far as I know it was the Mr. Asia syndicate that coined the phrase. From memory this is actually explained in the out of print book about Terry Clarke. Anyway I have read some seedbank breeders from the 70’s claiming all sorts of rubbish about “Buddha Sticks” coming from India which is rubbish. Buddha sticks have always referred to nothing but genuine Thai Stick and the “Elephant Stick” was a cheap Indian knockoff of the real Thai Stick.

Thai stick was the trippiest, most potent weed on the planet. End of story. Anybody who actually tried the real thing will tell you that and they will just laugh at you when you start going on about “White Widow” or some other fancy Dutch strain. The weed coming out of South East Asia at that time was stronger than anything that is around these days. As well as Thai Stick there was also “tripping weed” coming out of Sumatra and Vietnam that … well you really have to try it to understand. The high is more like an acid trip than a weed experience.

Many people in later years have claimed that Thai Stick was so strong because it was dipped in opium, heroin water or hash oil. This sounds quite reasonable until you look at how much Thai Stick the Mr Asia syndicate was actually moving around the world. Dipping 500,000 sticks at a time is a pretty expensive way to do business. The book on Terry Clarke goes into quite a bit of detail about every shipment and it doesn’t mention dipping the sticks in anything. Why would they even bother? They were already moving the strongest weed anyway that was selling faster than they could supply it? Still maybe they did dip it because when the weed dried up (Thailand couldn’t grow enough of it fast enough to keep up with demand) the syndicate became the biggest Pacific rim heroin smuggler in the world.

It is generally accepted that the true Thai Stick strain is now extinct. The Mr Asia syndicate was buying all that could be produced and it is said that they were the ones who introduced Pakistani indica genetics to the growers. It was said that real Thai Stick took nine months to grow and mature so they crossed it with hash plant to get two or even three crops per season instead of one. I have no idea if that is true but something certainly did happen that killed Thai Stick stone dead. We started getting inferior sticks that were made up to look like the originals but the weed was different. Less potent, green instead of brown and a totally different taste and effect.

Contrary to popular belief, smokers did not embrace the new Dutch weed or believe it was more potent. That is just good marketing by the Dutch. The hippies complained loud and long about the new “chem schwag” that was replacing their beloved sun ripened golden sweet and spicey strains. We just got sick of complaining in the end.

For the record, the real Thai Stick came from Udon in East Thailand and I have never seen any Thai seeds in seedbanks that originated from this province.

Here are links to the original story of Thai Stick:

The last link states that Thai Stick declined in popularity when stronger local weed came on the market. This is rubbish. I was there at the time in the middle of it all. Thai Stick never declined in popularity at all. It simply dried up and you couldn’t get it anymore and everybody still wanted to get it and they still want to get it thirty years later. It was the fact that you couldn’t get Thai Stick any longer that actually started the weed revolution. People all over the world suddenly started seeking out Asian and Columbian strains and growing them because they missed the Thai weed.

As a side note… after the Mr asia syndicate started falling apart the Australian Police busted one of the biggest commercial cannabis growing operations of all time (outside Mexico and Columbia). A huge Queensland syndicate was growing hundreds of acres (the police suppressed a lot of information at the time) of Thai weed right in the middle of the Queensland sugar cane belt. Many of the plants were reported to be 18ft high upwards. This stuff was almost as strong as original Thai Stick which sort of kills the dipped in opium theory. Not long after that NZ and Aussie were flooded with weed from Sumatra in Indonesia, apparently also grown by a huge syndicate. Once again that was killer weed far stronger than any Dutch strain I’ve ever tried.

In the last few years the rumours are that Papau New Guinea now has the killer weed. They call it ‘Niugini gold’ …

If anybody could actually get their hands on some then we may find out that it is the new Thai Stick?


Coffeeshop in my hometown do sell Buddha Thai with sometimes CBD in it, but interestly no Myrcene in it.

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I agree with everything in that story. Everything happened like just like that in the real world. The opium rumor was everywhere, but people getting and selling Thai stick knew better. It was just an awesome strain of weed. Thai Stick was just as awesome as the legacy and probably much better than we can describe. It is still to this day my all time favorite smoke. The sticks were a thing of craftsman beauty.

In todays huge demand for good weed, I don’t think anybody in the world could ever satisfy the demand that real TS would create today. I sure was happy to live through those cool times, for me, starting in 1971. I love to read stories like that because there were all sorts of rumors and fake TS crap going on all around the US. The people that knew Thai Stick, knew the real story.

Some of the last real stick I smoked was when I was on a ship in the Navy. We had a shipmate that was from LA. Many times, before we were about to go out to sea, he would go home and bring a pretty good load of sticks back. I was a Signalman, and our station was high up the ship. On my watch 4 on 4 off, in the middle of the night, I would sneak off to a little cubby hole we used to smoke up, out of view and high up enough for nobody to smell the smoke.

Two hits, hold them both in for as long as you could, and that tasty exhale will never be forgotten. Fucked up as hell after that. Ah, great memories! $25 a stick. We miss you Thai Stick, and we still love you! :grin: :yum: :sunglasses:


I love those stories. I just wish I still had my uncles around to talk about weed. I remember them always smoking but I was just a little boy. Now that I’m growing, man I just wished they could taste just one of my harvests.


wich one did you like more back then, thaistick or vietnamese or sumatran? dont need to anwser if its too personal revealing details.
were the vietnamese and sumatran also in stickform?