Do you smoke Thai?

found this strain : Thai Stick x Runtz anyone have experience with this strain ? sure sounds interesting

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Sounds like a marketing ploy. Since Thai stick has been gone for decades I doubt there is much to it. Some people might have found a seed in a stick, but even when growing it, you wouldnā€™t get the same smoke as a ā€œThai Stickā€ since it was the curing that made it so good.

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its also the genetics that made it so good, atleast i guess

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will get site for you - (Brother Mendall or canna relief - maybe - have to get the correct breeder)

Itā€™s all about the cure involving fermentation (similar to malawi style cobbing), it was mentioned in the smuggling book and many other places if you look around enough Thai stick surfers, scammers, and the untold story of the marijuana trade (Ritter, Mike Maguire, Peter H)_Optimizer.pdf (2.5 MB)

nowadays people try to capitalize on the thai stick reputation by claiming their seeds are thai stick - bunch of bullox

i would argue that thai stick never disappeared, rather that source of export dried up, the curing method lives on, but like wine makers - not everybody knows how to prepare artisan style quality that provides the top shelf experience - that top shelf life ainā€™t easy


Yeah, everyone that I knew way back when, that found a seed in a stick, tried growing them but, they were by no means instant success. It was just another plant without the environment and the cure process.

People probably wonder why we never took photos of all that was going on back then. But, once you realize that you had to get your photos developed at the drug store or even mail in way back, you realize that as the problem. If you had weed pictures or anything illegal, you would be turned in by whoever was developing the photos.

Nobody carried cameras like today. It was a really expensive thing anyway. Plus, people would think you were a narc if you were to bring a camera to the wrong place. And, people did not take kindly to people ratting on them. It was a whole different world back then. It still sort of amazes me at how brash we all were, though. But, we had hippies protesting everywhere and all of the time, and we all stood together against the law. I guess you could say we were emboldened. Our kind of music was also very important in our attitudes. The older generations were dumfounded for the most part. It took a long time before a lot of drugs even made it to the illegal list, ha. :grin: :sunglasses: :v:


Thanks for the link. I came across that yesterday while looking Thai stick up on Google. I was sort of surprised at how many articles there were on the subject, but once you google it youā€™ll see a long page of links.

I downloaded the book and canā€™t wait to read it. :v:


can i ask rather in south US, or where?

im not shure if somebodys failure would proove things easily, indoor is better for thai said Gooeybreeder .


i remeber another hippie guy told me he tried to grow buddha thai many times, and he not happy with resultsā€¦ funny.

On the other hand Thaibliss at icmag said in California some guys managed repetadly to grow some thai almost as good as original , not same but close. He thought therewas a right microclimate.


Yeah, my experience was in the south and outdoor. It could have easily just been the inexperience of the growers back then. Iā€™m talking the 70ā€™s and not a lot of grow info back then.


One of the best bongs is from Thailand.


If Anyone Is interested, Iā€™ve litterly just started growingā€¦ Chocolate Thai F5 X Lemon Thai Male pollen, the cross Iā€™ve recently madeā€¦ :yum:

The mother.

Not the best photo ever lol

All in my Club Quadrant goes Feminized


No mycrene? Thatā€™s strange.

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Is that the pollen I sent? I havenā€™t tested what I still have but I will. I have some plants in flower.

I think I asked you before but I donā€™t remember now. Nice looking girl!

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Working around the monsoons can be difficult. People whoā€™ve not been through monsoons usually canā€™t understand how pronounced the difference between the rainy and dry seasons can be in many parts of the world.


No, I usually just set it on the table and look at it awhile then put it back in the cupboard

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One year frozen cure southern Thai ganja and its amazing. Put some real thai on a long cold cure it may bust some myths hehehe. Leather, woody chocolate anyone? Like a bottle of expensive wine its smooth and got a real nice kick to it.

Even the mostly thai hybrid improved with six months cure especially brought out the effect.


Man, Iā€™d love to be sitting in your crib right about now! Iā€™d like to figure out a good cure method for some landrace, or IBL/heirloom, Thai that I have and want to try asap.

Youā€™re right about that flavor; itā€™s sort of like a nice aged wine or liquor or anything that is connoisseur type, and the craft that went into getting the unique flavor. It was so nice, every toke. And, usually only 3 tokes was normal. It had a punch but it also was like gold with that taste and rare to get so conserving was key!

As soon as I get those started growing, Iā€™m going to do more research on things to try.

Did you get any cool looking color to it? Enjoy! Pics sometime if itā€™s cool. I havenā€™t heard of a freeze method for cure. peace :v: :yum:


Youā€™d be welcome here for sure, got too much weed and too little time to smoke so need the help hehe.

I am not an expert but for sure the freezer is good for long time storage and it get better after a long time in the cold. I prefer it over fresh to be honest. Usually weed goes quickly around me but being out of country for a long time ensured my stash to stay since christmas and it was already 6 month into the cold cure by then now the full year.

I would recommend you trying freeze cure if you have a lot. Here in Thailand the weed would go bad quickly if not cold stored. Shorter time refrigerator longer time freezer.

Color is mostly the same maybe a bit darker green but not much, it was already dry when I put it in the cold so any post harvest changes had already occured. The thai was actually quite dry when I put it in the fridge and it became much better after 6 month and now a full year.


@ moderator have a question, a good friend (@wallyduck) just joined and want to post some real nice outdoor plants but he canā€™t seem to add to any topic nor start a new thread, is there a limitation for new members?? Thanks