Doc D cannabis seeds

Looks frosty and stacked. How many did you look through to find this specimen?


Looks great nice job


The Black Triangle and Kromes The White, Dragon Energy crosses.
Hope a few of these are in focus. Need some new glasses and a better camera!
Canā€™t say enough good things about Docs gear, Both of these turned out really nice.
Smoke report to comeā€¦ and some better Pics,

Grace and Peace everyone!!


They look great. Well done!


You are going to be smoking well for a long time! Iā€™m pumped to have Black Energy back in the stash. Such excellent classic smoke.


I popped 22 seeds, had 14 females, culled 2 runts and ended up with 12 females to look through.

Ended up giving them WAY too much light so the bud didnt turn out as great as it should have. Ended up picking the 2 best smoking plants which were phenos 3 and 4.

3 was very low yielding but super piney and sour. Pine and sour on the front end of the joint with a fuel earthy peppery cumin hashy note that lasts down to the end. Long lasting sour fuel oily rag mouth coat too. It was fucking awesome.

4 was much more mocha, like almost to the point where I didnā€™t like it much because I find that flavor overpowering. Iā€™m not a big fan of stout style beer, and that is kinda what it reminded me of. But it was a very popular one during blind testing so I brought it back.

Just ran both phenos again and the selection method paid off for sure. I dropped light down to 900umol/sec and temps down to 78F. VPD at 1.1-1.2 for the entire grow. The light level still seemed a bit much for them so they probably max out at 800, making them a ā€œmiddle of the roadā€ plant for lighting requirements. Comparatively, the Dragonfruit can take like 1400umol/sec easily.

Plants grew dramatically better and produced insane resin quality. Pheno 3 went from yielding basically nothing. To throwing up large baseball bat sized colas. Quality is still absolute top shelf too.

I can only comment on pheno 3 so farā€¦ By todays standards this would be considered a sativa dominant hybrid. It hits with a dominant cerebral effect, some visual pulse stuff in peripheral vision, no real mind fog. The ā€œindicaā€ side of the high presents in the form of a mild body high. A really fun effect because it gives you those body effects while making you aware of it, but you are also relaxed. But it is stimulating enough to keep me up at night.

Thatā€™s all based on smoking bud that was from a branch that snapped and died. So it was flash dried in the grow room under intense light overā€¦ 2 days lol. The production flowerā€¦ I expect it to be even better.

It will be about a week until I can try proper samples from this run. Then I can give some good smoke reports. This round is basically all Doc D. Dragonfruit Thai, Temple x Lemon Thai, Black Energy, and a bit of Lazy Sundae from Cannavore.


Copied-and-pasted from the log:

Outer Limits smoke report:


Same nug, different angles. And I was even capable of getting one decent ā€œno flashā€ pic, too haha. That nug weighed 5.1 grams, so pretty decent density on these flowers, if youā€™re into that sorta thing.

Smell: Thereā€™s something super-familiar about this one, but I canā€™t put my finger on it. Itā€™s definitely not Sour Diesel that Iā€™m smelling, though haha. Itā€™s like a mossy, ā€œforest floorā€ kind of smell, with some added ā€œsourness,ā€ like sour milk/sour cream/yogurt, maybe? I canā€™t put my finger on it, but it does smell good. It just doesnā€™t smell like SD at all haha. It reminds me of some other weed smell that I know and have known for, like, an eternity haha.

Maybe itā€™s just that classic ā€œdank weed smellā€ smell, I dunno. Smells good, though.

Flavor: Iā€™m thinking the flavor is leaning way more to the AfPak side of this cross rather than the Sour Diesel side. Itā€™s mostly just ā€œhash,ā€ reminds me a lot of the way that that Ancient OG x AfPak from the last grow tasted. Thereā€™s the slightest bit of sourness on the front end, but itā€™s mostly just a tease haha. The first hit I took, the first time I blazed it, I thought,ā€œOh, shit, maybe we have something hereā€¦ā€ but literally one second later, I was like,ā€œOhā€¦ Never mindā€¦ā€ haha. Definitely not any sort of ā€œtrueā€ Sour Diesel flavors to it. Maybe the longer it cures, the more pronounced that ā€œfirst-second flavorā€ will become, but I doubt it. Itā€™s been in jars for like six seeks now, if not longer.

High: This one actually reminds me of the Blueberry x Silver Lotus, in that itā€™s not the strongest or the most overpowering or whatever, but itā€™s still a very satisfying high. Thatā€™s where the comparison ends, though haha. Like the flavor, the high reminds me of the AOG x AfPak, but more enjoyable. That AOG cross was way too cerebral for me during the first hour and had way too heavy of a comedown in the second. This Outer Limits plant is still an alert high in the beginning, the first hour or so, but without any of the fucking ā€œI canā€™t stop thinking! I canā€™t stop thinking!!!ā€ aspects of the AOG cross. Itā€™s way more mellow and enjoyable. Still functional, though, for sure.

The second hour does get a little draggy. Itā€™s compelled me to take a nap more than once haha and I can definitely smoke it before getting ready for bed and fall asleep no problem. Iā€™m not sure how much the time change has had to do with that, but Iā€™ve for sure been tired/lazy more often than not an hour or so after smoking this one.

Just as an aside, I always think itā€™s funny when people get all stoked about daylight savings and,ā€œOooh! We get an extra hour of sleep!ā€ I mean, maybe YOU get an extra hour of sleep, but daylight savings for me just means I wake up an hour earlier than normal. Instead of 5:30am, Iā€™m wide awake at 4:30 in the fucking morning every morning for two weeks haha.

Anyway, yeah, this is good weed. Itā€™s not what I was looking for, as far as flavors are concerned (or high, either, for that matter), but thereā€™s always room in my jars for some pleasant, mellow, good-time flowers. Itā€™s been a nice change of pace from the Imperial Majesties, too, as far as ā€œgetting ready for bed smokeā€ is concerned. I usually only grow one of those types of strains (if I can help it); now Iā€™ve got two, I guess haha. But Iā€™ll continue to check these seeds out, just because I do think thereā€™s something in them worth searching for.


Fun looking cross of Bandaid Haze and F4 Blueberry from Second Generation is only $20/pack over at Oregon Elite with their whole-website 50% off code 2XBLACK, it works on sale items too.

Edit: Two left of Katsuā€™s Pleasure Dome at $32.50 as well, which is BAH x OG:


damnnnn it sounds good

sounds great bro haha


Pheno 4 ended up being my overall favorite, its so good.

Pheno 3 is really good fresh but loses smell and flavor too fast in a jar.


Copied-and-pasted from the log:

Purple Corinto x A5/Thai smoke report


This was the one that foxtailed like crazy, in case you donā€™t remember or couldnā€™t tell from the pics haha.

Smell: I love the way this one smells, lots of stuff going on here. Itā€™s like a spicy, floral, fruity (guava, maybe?) olfactory delight haha, kinda reminds me a little bit of Blue Dream, actually. Pretty complex, too. Every time I stick my nose in the jar, I pick up on different things. Thereā€™s even a sort of ā€œpaintā€ smell happening that I noticed for the first time a few days ago; not paint thinner, but the smell of like an opened can of paint, which I think might be a first for me. Itā€™s not off-putting, though, at all. Smells really fucking good.

Taste: This is for sure a highlight. It tastes a lot like a strong hibiscus tea/agua de jamaica, that hibiscus drink they serve at taco joints. The smoke is relatively light and smooth, no coughing at all with this one, but it is for sure very tasty. Very ā€œfruity/floral tea-likeā€ haha.

Effect: This is some of the better weed Iā€™ve grown in the last year or two. It is absolutely ā€œdaytime onlyā€ weed, though; not so much because it gets you moving or racing or anything as much as itā€™s just very clear-headed and alert. Thereā€™s for sure a good 20-30 minute initial rush which I feel coming on pretty much as soon as I put the bong down. I didnā€™t really love that at first, but I got used to it after a day or two and now it doesnā€™t bother me at all. After the rush, though, it settles in to a very functional high. Itā€™s kind of one of those ones where I donā€™t even realize how high I am until I start interacting with other people, at which point I realize,ā€œOh, shit, Iā€™m higher than I thoughtā€¦ā€ haha.

Itā€™s not uncomfortable, though. It doesnā€™t make me self-conscious or anything. Like I said, itā€™s just extremely functional and pleasant. Not quite as relaxing as the Bandaid Haze I grew a while back, but it isnā€™t racy at all after that first half-hour. No munchies like the Bandaid Haze, either, which is great for me since Iā€™m on a diet and working out again and shit haha. It also doesnā€™t ever start to feel draggy or lethargic, ever. It just kind of slowly wears off and leaves me feeling alert and refreshed. Great weed! I havenā€™t smoked this one any later than 7pm and Iā€™m not going to, but itā€™s pretty amazing stuff to blaze any time before that, for sure.


I was hoping you would do the smoke report on this one.


Then why the FUCK didnā€™t you ā€œlikeā€ my post??? Huh?!?

Haha, just fucking with you.

Yeah, sorry it took so long. Iā€™ll always write a report of everything I grow eventually, as long as I like it. Sometimes Iā€™ll write a report of the things I donā€™t like, too, but not always. Why waste my time writing about things I donā€™t like, ya know? I definitely love that Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, though, for sure. Real good weed.

Thatā€™s the last of the Doc D stuff to review from the last grow, but Iā€™ve got one Malibu Pure x Lemon Thai and one Santa Cruz Pure Haze x A5Thai (outta like 10 seeds planted :joy::weary::joy::weary:) thatā€™re gonna get flipped here pretty soon. And then a few of the Sour Diesel x Dragon Energy, too, just waiting on them to get a little bigger.

So keep your eyes peeled for the reviews of those! In six monthsā€¦ haha!


Iā€™ll just post the pics of some of the males I trashed like an hour ago, since they wonā€™t be getting posted in the log.

Santa Cruz Pure Haze x A5Thai #2, veg day 39:

Veg day 64 (five days ago haha):

And the Santa Cruz Pure Haze x A5Thai #5, veg day 39 (looks like I topped all of these shortly before taking pics):

And veg day 64:

Sucks that he was a he, that #5 was for sure my favorite plant in the tent. I just loved the way the leaves looked, with those super-defined serrations and the dark green and everythingā€¦

Hereā€™s the lone female, #4, veg day 39 (two pics):

And veg day 64:

All three took a really long time to show sex; Iā€™ve even had them on a 15/9 light schedule for at least the last few weeks to try and help them along, but I only just now today was certain that those two males were males. On the one hand, itā€™s been taking a lot of my plants 50+ days to show the past couple years, but on the other hand, a lot of the stuff I planted a month after these have already started showing when they usually do, like around week five, soā€¦ I dunno. Itā€™s not a big deal or anything, just something I noticed.


I will be better with my likes in the future. Lol

Your grow and smoke reports are in depth and much appreciated. This information is helpful in deciding on what to grow next. I look forward to reading them


In case yā€™all missed it, hereā€™s an update from Doc that he sent out this morning titled ā€œDec Mailing List,ā€ which made my heart skip a beat haha:

ā€œWhat going on:

Buen dĆ­a everyone!

As promised Iā€™m writing to catch-up on how our move to Mexico is going and what new drop everyone can expect.

Iā€™d love to say that our travels down south have been nothing but sunshine, tasty tacos, and smooth sailingā€¦ but life is never that simple. I will say that Iā€™ve been smoking plenty of sativas (and a lot of it) from around the countryā€¦ and luckily, cannabis flowers have been easy to aquire thanks to my well connected brother-in-law. At this timeā€¦ finding truly unique and special smoke has been difficult. On top of that, the best flowers are green and mostly seedless while the worst is brown and seeded. Iā€™ve been collecting seeds and documenting from the best I find, but very little info is known about the varieties offered except the general area it came from. Most dealers offer two kinds of flowers, green or brown, and nearly all dealers are Cartel membersā€¦ and any independent grower who gets too big will be approached by the cartelā€¦ This leads most growers to be very private in their practice and social circles. Iā€™ll continue the search for unique cultivars, but so far the best flowers Iā€™ve tried came from a smaller local indoor grower with stateside genetics.

One of the best parts of our move has been visiting the amazing cities, villages, natural wonders, and ancient ruins that inhabit mexico. Weā€™re still searching for our perfect place to put down permanent roots, but the state of Jalisco and Chiapas have shown us some beautiful options. We plan on traveling to the YucatĆ”n this winter to escape the mild temperatures of Mexico City, where we currently liveā€¦after that I think weā€™ll be checking out Oaxaca city and the pacific coastal towns where cannabis is more accepted and embraced compared to other states within mexico :slight_smile:

Whatā€™s Dropping:

Iā€™m back stateside for a few days and have decided to drop with my friends at these three seed banks:

Great Lakes Genetics

Please check their websites over the next few weeks for new and old hybrids.

Everything is limited edition since I no longer hold the same breeding stockā€¦ However, my A5 Haze/Thai bx male is still alive with the help of a friend.

I hope everyone finds excellent plants in my seeds.

Gracias a todos.

Tu amigo, Dā€

Just outta curiosity, I looked at GLG; nothing new there yet, but I didnā€™t think there would be.

And off-topic, but since I havenā€™t even looked at GLG in months, I decided to check out the ā€œNew Arrivalsā€ section. I noticed some breeder called Genetic Designer selling packs for $400 and thought,ā€Wow, $400, thatā€™s a lotā€¦ā€ Then I looked closer and saw that they were selling a pack of something called Ancestor for TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS A PACK (but you get 12 seeds, soā€¦ haha). And thereā€™s actually only one pack left. I dunno how many packs GLG started with, but Iā€™m assuming only one pack left means multiple dipshits paid $2000 for a frigginā€™ pack of seeds.

Shitā€™s getting insaneā€¦

Edit: I just looked at all of Genetic Designerā€™s listings, theyā€™ve actually got two different crosses that theyā€™re selling for two grand a pack and another that theyā€™re selling for a thousand per pack. They must be outta their minds. Looks like ā€œGenetic Designerā€ is just a new iteration of Gage Green, maybe? I dunno, but fuck. THEM.


Thanks for posting that email! Turns out I did get it, but I hadnā€™t seen it yet. Glad to see heā€™s doing well, I have an old friend who lives somewhere in Oaxaca, I think. Anyway, he seems to love it there.


Thatā€™s what I had thought.

But more importantly, Iā€™m fucking stoked to grab some more A5HT crosses!


Doc posts some amazing pics and sweet spots he has been visiting on IG. Highly recommend checking if you havenā€™t. He uploaded mexican wrestling in slow mo the other day that was hilarious.


Yeah, hopefully it wonā€™t turn into some bullshit feeding frenzy like every other seed drop is these days. Iā€™ve got quite a few of those crosses already, but Iā€™m willing to buy more haha if they sound interesting. I think that A5T male might be my favorite. Iā€™ve loved every cross Iā€™ve grown that utilized it, anyway.

Yeah, Iā€™ve seen a lot of his posts. I only log on to IG maybe three times a month, but I also only follow like ten people haha, so I always see his stuff. Pretty beautiful. Makes me wanna move to Mexicoā€¦