Doc D cannabis seeds

Thanks! Took about a day to build and were 1/5th the cost of what you can buy in a store so… No brainer!

Anden 210 was $2700. Managed to get both of my units before the price increase.


That’s a decent price I’m in the market for a new one and either quest or Anden I’d thought.
On my third portable at 1200 a pop mind you it’s taken 4/5 years wonder what the life expectancy is on yours?


^^Goji x Lemon Thai

They seem to start off herbal with some slight lemon. The first two phenos look to be the most Goji Razz leaning. First seems to have a bit more herbal lemon on top of that OG smell, second is much more OG leaning with Goji Razz sharpie notes. Nice plants overall, smells seem to be getting more pungent and complex as time goes on. I think most of these plants have 1.5-2 weeks to go.

Third pheno in the photo represents the most common expression that I am seeing. Not much going on when it comes to smell with most of these. I am getting some late lemon smells developing. These easily have another 3 weeks in them, so now isn’t the time to judge.

Tri petiole pheno is the last one. Someone said they wanted me to keep track of this from seed. Smell/resin wise, nothing special here. There are definitely better phenos. I will update everyone with a smoke report, but I don’t think tri petiole expression can be used as a marker to ID potentially special plants.

^^Sour D x Lemon Thai

Again, same general expression pattern as the Goji cross. Most are muted with herbal slight lemon notes. I cant really draw conclusions about the male because there are multiple males. The first plant smells incredible with an awesome lemon heads resin profile, seems to slowly be developing a sour back end as it matures too. Should be pretty awesome when dried!

The prettiest plant in the second photo is super muted with herbal buttery garden plant notes, no sour detected. Awesome resin quality as far as oils go. Its got a ton of oil! Will be interested to see how it smells/tastes when dry and jarred.

I cant really get back to the other plants until harvest time. But I have reached back there a lot to squeeze lowers and haven’t been detecting any “holy crap” terps like I’m seeing with the Afpak hybrids.

Lemon Thai F5

This one has really started to smell like lemons! Not a super lemony citrus acidic type smell, more like lemon cleaner or something. Super interesting. Will be fun to see how it smokes!

Ill be re-vegging this entire room while I test production viable plants. I have a gut feeling that a lot of these muted plants will surprise me with flavor profiles and highs, so no risks will be taken lol.


“Holy crap” terps have been found on Temple x Lemon Thai. That fusion is amazing. Loud loud citrus tropical melon fruit with a solvent cleaner note developing on top. Like a complex topical fruit punch mixed with acetone. Makes me smile lol


Fight milk not sure how far along she is…

Dang this girl smells crazy! Smells like a sweet liquor like barcardi/smirnoff strawberry then she sweetens out to what I can only describe as strawberry wafers. I’m going to try and re veg this girl and see if I can do her some justice.


Sounds like a very nice terpene profile. Im not familiar with the cross. Is this a strawberry milk cross or something else?


Yea it’s a crazy one. Its a new smell for my nose and that excites me. @Cannabi5

Fight milk = strawberry milk x thunder gun express


Some of those packs from Doc D’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia series and their outcrosses don’t have many documented grows. You beat me to growing and showing some of that Fight Milk.


You should grow them @SmackyMcSmackers this one seems nice so far.

I haven’t seen much on those either just a few pics of thunder gun express and riot juice.


I have a few crosses with the Frank’s Little Beauties male that I want to grow out too. My problem is that I want to grow out almost all the packs of seeds I own…but I only have so much time & space. :sweat_smile:


I feel you man 100% @SmackyMcSmackers I wish I was a triplet.

Those FLB sound nice to I wanted those but missed out like the hundreds of other seeds I want.


good luck on the re-veg. i was planning on giving my sour d x lemon thai to a friend but that one might be too good! maybe i’ll just buy him another…

Will you cut these down a little earlier in order for better odds on the re-veg, or let them all go to maturity first?


I want to let all of these finish before re veg. I dropped the room temps down to 74F day/night last week. Could be a coincidence, but the terpenes on most lemon thai dominant phenos are starting to build more complexity.

I leave a lot of plant material on these for re veg and have had a 100% success rate with all of my plants. I dont lollipop/remove lower buds, everything has to stay on because they seem to re veg from the bottom up. These sativa crosses also seem to re veg a lot more readily than the heavy indicas so Im not expecting too difficult of a battle.

Edit: Either I was nose blind or the plants started smelling a lot more. Likely nose blind from chopping the production room. Damn this Lemon Thai rooms smells crazy! Lemon is definitely developing on the tail end of flower.


purple punch x Afkansasstan/X18 landed today, now i jsut gotta figure out when i can free up space to pop em… :thinking:


I always find cooler temperature help with the terpenoids development


These are Doc’s (LEMON THAI f5) at 40 days and really pumping up the glands now.

This is the main cola on the quad petiole, it is difficult to see in this pic, but the girth is approaching 2 litre bottle size.

Does that look like some nanners on the very top of this bud? Just noticed it when I went to post these.

This is the vibrant light green pheno, it had the unmistakable strong Lemon terp while in veg, hopefully it will carry over through the cure! I noticed one of these in your @advancedbuffalo pack also.

This is one of my favorites, sorry for the poor focus, she is way in the back.

Grace and Peace, Gentlefolk


Yes. Especially that one kinda to the right of that flower, near where all those red hairs are. But I’ve been being super-paranoid about that shit lately; could just be a couple weird-looking pistils.

But besides that, they’re looking good! Got me stoked to plant some of those seeds in the next year or so haha.


it does look like a nanner, but it could be a bud leaf that is overexposed in the picture.


A single male nanner was all I could find. Nothing to be discouraged about, just nature doing its thing. It had slipped my mind that these LTs finish early 60-77 days, which makes perfect senescence. These will be hanging in a couple weeks!!


Nice one :sunglasses: