Dolomite lime and calmag?

If I mixed in 1 cup of powdered dolomite lime ( cal/ mag) per cubic ft soil would I still need to use liquid calmag with my RO water?

I usually don’t use lime but had some soil ph issues the last 2 grows and Im sick of playing that game so added the recommended dose right into my soil.

Typically I add 5ml per gal of calmag before adding any nutes but with the lime mixed in im afraid I may over do it.

Issues with calcium uptake. Or magnesium. In last batch of soil. We hat are your room temps and light source?

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Dank are you growing under lights or outdoors? I use 5-8 ml/gallon every time I water and that’s under led lights. You will have better control of cal/mag adding it to your water then mixing it into the soil.

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Are you using RO water or tap?


Problem with cal.mag is you end up with too much mag. Gypsum for the win


I use Cal-Mag+ in RO water when I water my plants plants in soil, and I add lime to my soil. Maybe not 1 cup per cubic foot, but in that range.


Oversight :v:t2:


I grow in a 3.5’ x 6’ room in soil with a 600w led. Never mind the incomplete scrog screens.


Depends on your nutrient regiment and what the cal-mag is derived from. Plants uptake different sources differently and my roots organic terp teas always make it so that I gotta add EXTRA cal-mag on top of my dolomite lime I apply liberally and often in my promix hp/hp cc/hp cc40, but I did just start trying prilled dolomite lime from down to Earth so we’ll see if it’s different than their regular dolomite lime


Fox farm ocean forest soil with added perlite and lime

nutes big bloom / tiger blood / cal mag / recharge


Hi folks! Got a question, can dolomite lime be applied as top dressing or only mixed in the soil prior to planting? Thanks.

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Mixing is definitely best but you can top dress if using the powder but it will take some time to start working.

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Thanks, I wonder what time frame you mean… would it be worth, or needed ( I did add it to the soil prior to transplanting, so I know there is some in the soil) in week 3 of flowering? Thanks again! :pray: :hugs:

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Week 3 of flowering dont even bother. I would just increase water ph if the soil ph starts dropping.

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