Down by the riverside - UK autoflower

Wait what? Now it’s a gloves off no holds barred kind of thing? @MCR0161 you keep taunting folks with that “it’s not a competition” attitude, lol


I’m in it for the love not the rep. :pray:


No holds barred competition of love. It’s got a certain ring to it


Yeh, that’s what I’ve heard!
Kind of like Battle Royale, but with weed :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rofl:



Thats a smart little polly tent. Got a decent bit of hight to it too. Do you know how much they usually go for ?
You should pack that out Esrgood4u, I bet you could get a decent haul out of one of those. Your gorilla cookies in there look very good.


Cheers buddy. It’s a 3x2x2. I bought it around 3 years ago now and will need the cover replacing next year. I paid around £100 back then but you can get them even cheaper now. Amazon has one that looks nearly identical made by Outsunny for £72.


Those straigh blueberry will most probably be the same as the bb thick. As for the dark spark cross i have no idea as thats a while back now unless its the four way mix that mcr has


Bro I’ve had these seeds from you for a long time. I only held back from growing them before now is because they are regs. I’m gonna stick a few outdoors on Monday now my polytunnel is cleared out. :+1:
I’ll tag you once they are in the dirt.


Could I jump on board aswell please ? gaz29 gave me a couple of reikox Crystal Candy x GLO that i would like to try up here at Latt 55, after looking at the ones gaz has on the go just now after 41 days, I think they might do well outside with this weather we have been having :+1:



what a difference 19 days makes

@ReikoX I see you looking. They’re still doing grand

@Andrexl this is gonna seem a weird place to respond but I ran out of replies and with you wanting a fast one this is the only way I can

Only top leaves going Yellow,It looks like Little Yellow dots interveinal

A quick dose of calmag should fix this brother


Sorry to bother this thread,I already add 0.200 EC of calmag,those autos are in flower,maybe they Need more because of High transpiration with that high temperature?Or maybe they are not transpiring and having issues?mmmmh what a thinkerer I am
@MCR0161 thank you Brother,really appreciate It❤️


Its no bother replying on this thread. The issues could be developing due to high temps and low ish RH. But the yellowing leaves sounds like early stage mag deficiency. Calcium uses magnesium as a catalyst so the issues usually go hand in hand. Someone else may want to chime in and say I’m wrong but that’s what I’ve done In similar situations. If you wasnt in bloom I’d say make a foliar spray. Keep us posted
Hopefully this helps though brother


Great looking bush. Props. :sunglasses: :metal:


Them main colas are filling out ain’t they??
I noticed a bit grey mould on one of my gorilla cookies and promptly removed the effected area. I plan on harvesting them this weekend. They are gonna be a pain to trim as they are really leafy. :roll_eyes:


There is 3 that started within like a week of each other. And 2 that maybe took close to 2 weeks more to start flowering. Those 2 are filling out extremely nice. The closest of the other 3 in that pic is doing the best. Nice smells. Good trichome production. And nicely stacking colas. Colouring up a bit too since I added magnesium sulfate to the tomato feed with a little bit of PK venom and flowerbomb for good measure. Rocking around 1000ppm no idea on pH i just whack it in

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I just harvested my BCN Critical today. Bought a new spinpro so only took 30 mins or so to do.

Not perfect but they are for personal so who cares? Smells like pine trees. Old school smell.


They still look like decent nugs bro. I’m still like 4 weeks off a harvest. Smoking amnesia mids at best. Looks a couple ounce there to me

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Maybe 2 once dried. They got some purple happening for some reason. I think that plant is easily 16 weeks from seed to be honest. Autos here in the uk easily take 50% longer.
I’ll grab a few pictures tomorrow of the “might not be” blueberry possibly “lruv x mango smile” tomorrow along with a few of the gorilla cookies.
I’ve also still got the Gambian x blueberry going. Not showing sex as yet so they best get a move on.

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By the time I read this. I’d had a few beers :joy: gave up doing one eye replies.

Mine went in as seed on the 14th April. I’m hoping I’m good for the school summer holidays.
My not comp BB is still in a pot. I should really dig that in at this point. As for the purple. My blueberry have purple forming on them. I’m guessing it’s the addition of epsom salts and PK venom bro.

I’m gonna feed again today cos we got a child free weekend from friday at the caravan :sunglasses: job on laying some flooring today.

Bit mad they’re not showing sex yet for autos that. They’re not small are they