Down by the riverside - UK autoflower

Stop calling it a competition bro or I’ll end up going all out just to be victorious. :rofl:
Fuck sake. I’m looking at pre made super soil now :rofl:


I’m not trying to get into any competitors heads or anything but…



Alright then. Competition it is :sunglasses:
And less of the old boys @Sense by geordie standards @Esrgood4u is old enough to be my dad :rofl:.

For the record I’ve had the best germ rates and growth from the BB thick. Maybe we go for those in the gardens?

As for the pre made soil. I ended up down a youtube rabbit hole watching build a soil videos :upside_down_face:


@Gaz29 I seen your post in UK chuckers unite. But as its a trading post wont let me comment there. Ironic af seeing as though I started the thread :sweat_smile: i managed some manny dawg cuts a while ago. I’m pretty sure the cuts came from smelly jim and high peak dank.
Grown out in buxton but flooded manny. Let me stick some feelers out for you.


You can’t post on your own thread. ?! Wow.!
That’s funny. Hah :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Yeah that’d be great if you could get a hold of the Manny cut or the cut from ‘Smelly jim’. :+1:.

I am really looking for a Livers, Blues, Ex Cheese, and any other uk held cuts/clones.

If any uk members have any of these, please send me a message and we can discuss it further. Cheers.

What have you got growing/going just now @MCR0161 .?

I’ll have to check out your thread later, mate. :+1:.

Have a great day, mate.
Gaz. :facepunch:


A little update from the garden too. Only plant remaining unsexed is a ghost poop x cookie devil :smiling_imp:
5 blueberry are doing well.
And the purple dark sparks x BB started flowering a lot smaller. So if anyone is trying to do some discreet then they’re probably the way to go.

The only other things I have growing are the jacks rainbow doing poorly in the loft. I think I’m going to go coco again my next run and sell the flood and drain on. That small amount of buffer would probably help massively in this kinda weather.
Smelly Jim lives about half a mile away BTW. Should have no trouble tracking him down even though I ain’t seen him for a little while. I’ve not seen proper blues and cheese for a while. Last place I did was Asian kids in Sheffield some years back.


100% the ds x bb work best as a SOG with tons planted. Got any pics?


There you go bro. Just been and snagged you a pic. She’s already flowering. Can’t remember the exact plant date but I remember it wasn’t long ago.


I’m wondering what the tall lady back middle wants to do. She’s different.

Just dropped in 10.5l water/45ml doff tomato feed. This is the second feed with this and they responded well to the first. Must be the seaweed lol. I will be feeding every 4 days now. Once I see flowers forming properly I will dose PK. And the last 2 weeks ish will add epsom salts too. But that will be all the amendments they get. And for the first time In I dont know how long. I will actually flush these plants.

@LemonadeJoe this new users can only embed one post is a bit ridiculous now. I just spent a good while uploading after not trying multiples for weeks now to receive the same message. I’m trying to show the varying structure etc in @Bob13 beans.


The fastest one so far.


My list of seeds from @Bob13.
Blueberry x dark sparks pink
Blueberry x dark sparks green
Blueberry x dark sparks purple
Cookie devil
Straight Blueberry
Dark sparks mix (could be a cross with anything unless @Bob13 can shed some light on them??
Still not got any supplies in other than some 3 litre pots.
I can’t put any directly in the dirt as I’ve just noticed noticed 4 more of the seeds I’ve scattered randomly have shown their face.

The Gorilla Cookies i put in the Solar bubble bucket got eaten by something about 2 weeks back so I replaced it with a seed from a pack of RQS autoflower mix packet I had laying around. Roots finally hit the bottom of the net pot.


Had to wait to reply. With the state of my indoor I would prefer to plant more of whats doing well for me bro. How you guys feel about more blueberry? I’m thinking of ripping the loft system out entirely today and starting an auto SOG with the dark sparks crosses for the fast flower and running those in coco pots hand watered.

Now roots have hit the bottom of the pot you should see some explosive growth but how’s the water temp in there with it being a black bucket and stupid amounts of :sun_with_face:

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I’ve got the black bucket Sat inside another square bucket that’s filled with water also to help combat this issue. I’m also using that Dutch Pro Keep It Clean to stop root rot and allow higher temperatures.

Cleared out the polytunnel and done a good enough repair on the zips to get me through this year.
Moved the Gorilla Cookies into it so they ain’t on show to the neighbours anymore.

I received my package from @Gaz29 today and I’m eager to put some of @ReikoX fem autos out there in small pots along with the 5 OSS Runtz autos I’ve got.
Whatever you decide to grow if I have a matching seed I’ll stick them in some dirt.


I like the submerged 2nd bucket idea. Can probably chuck a handful of ice cubes in on super hot days to bring it down a little more :nerd_face:
Polytunnel is looking good too. I dont have the option to hide mine from neighbours. Just have to trust them lol. Sure it be sweet :relieved:

The package i sent to @Sense should have arrived yesterday or today at the latest. I know he’s got a good stack of BB thick too. And I’m sure @Bob13 will still have too. I’m going to get another 6 in. Hoping for 4 females.
Let us know if you’re ready for a Monday plant date. (Which is apparently when our weather cools slightly)


Just found this thread today.
Loving all the outdoor stuff in the UK :muscle:

Landlord is a cunt for inspections where I am at minute though. Otherwise I’d have been all in for this Competition as well😄



Honestly bro. I’m much preferring the outdoor stuff this year :100: even @Gaz29 is sticking some on his balcony.

Would have been good to have another one on board. Maybe your situation will change for next year.


Please stop calling it a competition :rofl:
If I think it’s a competition then I end up spending stupid amounts of cash that I don’t have at the minute haha.


We should do a full on competition next year then :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Gives me time to scout out the area a bit. I’m surrounded by fields, but need to find a spot where no one will notice haha.


Yeh, doubt I’d find anywhere by this weekend, plus got my baby boy on the way in a weeks time. So probably not best time to be starting a guerilla outdoor grow hahaha


I will challenge all you Europeans to a grow off. Oh it will be a competition. :rofl:


Yeah one single plant of yours equals more than an entire year of me growing both indoors and out. I know if there’s money involved I’ll be betting on you :rofl: