Environment here changed

Kinda of odd in the sense that all of my run ins with members and mods have had nothing to do with seeds! lol


If they’re not a supporter here if they do not have a grow journal if they’re not respected I wouldn’t give anybody anything. I have a lot of respect for the ones that are trying have a good time. @DougDawson does one of the best jobs I’ve seen so far here. The only reason I did my grow page was so I could be supportive. It easy to say good bye. I have made a good friend here @MoBilly and @LilJonB i would hate to say good bye.


That’s true. Sometimes you just have to say,”Fuck off, Badger!!” haha.

I think that is sorted now. I can say I am feeling like a bad guy for giving out seeds and engaging in fun conversation with members while doing it which seems odd. There has to be a middle ground. I have backed way off on the Free seeds thread for a while to slow the thing down. Also most chat there has moved to a chat thread. That is a good start as people were using the free seeds thread as general chat. While I had no issue with that many did so it’s a good change. It really wasn’t the dibs that cluttered that thread so much, it was people sitting in it all day chatting. You could go scroll through hundreds posts and not find anything about seeds. Now that most chat has moved out of there to a general chat thread it should make things a bit better and drastically lower the post count. I have also looked at ways to be a bit more selective with who I give to. Hopefully that will make some people happy.


I can’t help but feel I’ve been part of the problem, by using the ‘Free Seeds’ thread as a ‘water cooler’ chatroom myself. Even though I’ve given out quite a few seeds, contributed to the site, as well as seed buys, and have posted in many threads, as well as having a few grow methods, etc logged.
Since the stink has gotten worse over the ‘seed-hos’, I’ve begun to use the Free Seeds thread less. I joke and cut up no matter what thread.
So, my apologies to all.
Nuff said…


The ones that are trying to give seeds away I do not believe that you are the problem. Johnny your not. Doug isn’t. It’s the ones that want something for nothing.


I was speaking on the fact that I used the ‘Free Seeds’ thread s a water cooler chat room lol I know I wasn’t being one of the ‘seed-hos’. :grin: :sunglasses: :+1:


I wouldn’t beat myself up about it. I would take my advice. Pick your click you can bring new people in. If they don’t show support for the community I wouldn’t offer them nothing. The thrill of making your own stuff is fine. To share is one of the best things about cannabis. I have a lot I can say about that. I see some of y’all here have some political views. I’ve seen it in your post. But yeah I keep quiet. You can talk about right left up and down liberal non-liberal this is one thing they all try to put us in jail I don’t care what side you’re on.


Actually it’s quite the opposite… I’m just sick of the whining, selfish hypocrites, bitching and making the ones who pay it forward to show appreciation for the generosity that was shown to them, made to feel like shit for sharing seeds to others, new or not. I’ve accumulated way to many seeds, bought, traded and seed runs, than I could EVER grow, so instead of hoarding them as others do, I put them in the hands of others to be grown/traded. I barely ever post about giving seeds away, as I don’t see the need for it. If I see someone looking for seeds and I can help them out, I dm them and help them out.
To shun, newcomers from getting some free seeds because the older members feel threatened that they can’t get every seed that’s ran is selfish and ridiculous, especially when they already have a whole God damn library of seeds they will never get to


I am newer to this new OG, so I have been keeping my mouth shut. However, Im not one to keep it zipped for too long. Haha. I am confused as to what the problem is here. If you are doing seed giveaways, put restrictions on them as to who can receive and who needs to “put in more work”, or just don’t offer them up in a Free Seed thread.
As for complaining about people participating in group buys, this one really throws me. Whether or not someone is new, if they throw down hard earned cash to pool it and get ahold of seeds that are rare, expensive, whatever, who are any of us to tell that individual what they are to do with them or what not?
I am really not trying to come across like a douche, but it seems to me some here complaining about this are just suffering from “I like the way things use to be” syndrome.
I am just having a hard time comprehending the arguments here. Perhaps I just won’t get it.
I miss the way the forums use to be as well, but those days are gone.
The way I see it, don’t give free seeds out to newbs if thats what you want. If you are in competition with newbs to grow your “collection” then perhaps you need to dedicate more time or get faster with the clicks and refreshes.
Am I out of line? Help me out here. Im lost



I can’t recall the exact context of the post where I read about this, but I seem to recall it was more about relative newbs who have climbed rank very quickly hosting the group buys–then absconding with cash and/or the beans they were supposed to be buying and distributing.

EDIT: added words to clarify my thoughts


I don’t think that’s the problem or what people are concerned with. OG is a community. When people just show up, sign up for seed runs and bounce, without offering anything to said community, that’s kind of a dick move. It’d be like if you had a BBQ, gave someone a plate of food and they just took it, ate it and left, without even saying,”Thanks for inviting me and cooking, that was delicious.” You wouldn’t invite them over to your next BBQ, I don’t think.


this sums up this whole thread

It’s up to the discretion of the person who is getting involved in seed runs, to do their homework. While someone who has a lot of respect and time in OG runs off with a seed run or its money, than that person gets banned. Simple checks and balances.


Nah, you’re not out of line. If you do a seed run and make it a wiki or whatever, where anybody can sign up, then yeah, people you don’t know are probably gonna sign up. As far as the seed buys are concerned, I don’t and won’t participate in those. Too much potential for fuckery. Also, they just seem like a hassle haha. But again, yeah, if you participate in those, that’s on you. You can’t complain about something you willingly participated in. I think? Haha.

I dunno about anybody else, but my problem is just with people who I don’t even really know showing up in threads and asking me for seeds. Like, out of the blue. It’s shady as fuck, number one. And two, it’s just rude.


yeah… at no point has it ever been

because the older members feel threatened that they can’t get every seed that’s ran

It’s the for-money threads that are bothering most of us. The fact money is publically involved at all starts getting other eyes on it and the rest of us…

I don’t even know how we spent a day and like 80 posts on just the Free Seeds thread that literally the only thing anyone has a problem with is the general chit chat on it… and people grabbing and running.

No one has a problem with people giving out seeds to whoever they want. They do have a problem with some of the people receiving them never posting anything but ‘dibs’ or the like…


Greeting OG,

Another new guy here. I may have joined yesterday… but I wasn’t born yesterday.

Short story…
About 45 years ago I started attending the annual family reunion. I was 5. I couldn’t wait to get MawMaws sugar pie! Best ever pie! The young kids would eat all the sugar pie. Some Elders couldn’t care less about that sugar pie. Some came just for the chance at pie. Others came to discuss family history. Some came to have a drink and talk to loved ones they never get to see throughout the year. I always wondered what went on in the big hall. Well fast forward 45yrs… I now sit at the round table. Guess what we discuss. We talk about these young kids that eat all the sugar pie. We talk about how things used to be. We retell stories that have been told for generation so the next generation knows who they are and where they come from. I am proud to sit at that table. I make my own sugar pie now days. But I am grateful that MawMaw shared with us how to make sugar pie without withholding that key ingredient so ours wouldn’t be as good as hers!

So in closing… We need new members. We need Elders. I appreciate the Love, Sharing and community found here. Much respect to all who precedes me and to those yet to find this OG home.


This def sounds like an issue that needs addressing. Begging of seeds needs to stop.


That’s precisely my thoughts… The generousity here is awesome, the ability to find quality beans is priceless. But there will always be those who choose to participate and become part of the community, even if its as simple as liking posts and simple comments / compliments. And there are those that just want free stuff, and disappear as soon as they get it. I could do without those people. Those who generously offer seeds, advice, or words of encouragement I’d rather keep around. Sadly some of the wrong people are taking offence here :frowning: They are some of the more generous ones and they shouldn’t be offended…


In all honesty, alot of this discussion coming right after the bbq has me feeling like some of the older members really didn’t like that, especially when I expressed that it will bring new traffic, but that it wasn’t for generation of funds, server or otherwise. If I angered anyone I’m sorry, I just want to see a wonderful place like this thrive and grow. Bringing new people will replace the ones who have retired, and keep the ad revenue up via more traffic, which will keep of open regardless of server raffles and auctions.

Not directed at you @Chronickyle, but other members.


Yeah, I mentioned yesterday that exchange I had with somebody on another thread a while back. Asking me for seeds out of the blue and me saying I didn’t feel comfortable sending seeds to someone who I’ve never seen around before and him throwing a hissy fit. I haven’t seen him post on here since then. I mean, I’m not really looking for him, either, but still….