(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

@Upstate Please don’t split. Your knowledge and generosity are valued and appreciated by many. You have provided opportunities for people around the world to grow your work who otherwise never would have.

@toastyjakes Suggesting Upstate go over to RIU is just straight up disrespectful.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks so! I did some research about that site after I read that and man let me tell you what that’s some pretty disrespectful sh!# for real might as well spit in someone’s face !


JBM x JLB update.

Raho found out the JLB side is from Vibes collective. Told me to ask @Roms futher about this cross.

Hey Roms, do you know who made that cross on the private forum and what the Blue Mountain background is by chance?


Here’s some of what you seek and I don’t know the post number but if you got time all the info that you seek is posted above ^


Sorry, I’m asking about the Jamaican blue mountain side in this cross if he knows anything.

These were made over 5 or more years ago.


Anyways, I keep bombing thread, if you ever want to try em they’re yours Upstate.


JBM x JLB is Double Jam, cross made by Jahgreenlabel (Underground Seeds Collective)

JBM is from CannaBioGen, bred by Charlie Garcia aka Kaiki.

Ya know the only source of today Lambsbread is from the Vibes Collective, ten years ago none pure Lambsbread available in the game. :wink:


Hopefully you don’t; I’m equally frustrated by needless censorship, but I don’t know of any way to avoid it on the internet. As Jake said, legally speaking whoever owns the site makes the rules. Here, at least, the rules are basically just to shut up if enough people are bothered by it that they’re making a big fuss; I feel like it’s worse in most other places, although it definitely feels shitty when you’ve gotten comfortable over here and then someone decides to throw a temper tantrum about a thread you’re posting in. The whole thread ends up carpet-bombed with flags and the mods tend to just come in and delete everything to keep it simple, because there’s no way to reset a thread like that into politeness after it’s exploded. Certainly someplace like Facebook/IG isn’t going to be any nicer about moderation, I know that much. Fairly sure they still censor people just for too obviously talking about plants.


Greetings @Upstate,

It would be tragic indeed if you were to leave OG over this. The ones hurt most would be the elite growers of OG who both appreciate and follow your work.

At the top of the list of those harmed would be you, yourself. You won’t find an audience like this anywhere else and I bet you know that. We both understand and wildly appreciate what you are doing.

Ya know we almost lost @Jinglepot to this same issue, I think he got banned over a bumper sticker in his grow room, something as simple as that.

I think the job description of OG Moderator is “more bouncer in a lively bar,” than Judge Dredd. When a fight breaks they are going to shut it down and the last one shouting gets scolded, or worse.

I’m out on a limb here, but how about a little “court of public appeal” lenience for the Grower Gawds of OG?

Put it this way, If they ever dare to fuck with @DougDawson I’m outta here!!!

Respectfully Submitted,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Well, In the little time that I’m on this forum, I have see good people been censored and banned for the most stupid things.
I don’t know if it is some moderator on his own or is due to some “members” flagging content, anyway or other I think that that is a coercitive measure and that had not to be taken lighty.
I, myself have to shut mouth many times to not be in trouble, and many times I don’t write because of feeling that perhaps that should be used to ban me or misunderstood.

In so many senses, I feel this forum like a dictator state. But here you/I can go away.
If I not leave this forum is because of persons like Upstate, Rhai, Shagg, Guitarzan, Cartwright, Doug, thceed, middleman, Maddawg, tracker, Bu2b, and many others that I forget (the list is big) that make this forum interesting and make me and others come back. From this list, I know at least three people that were banned or given “bad responses” from some moderator. (Three that I remember …)

A good forum is not only the server or software that make it run, that would be nothing if it don’t have so many great members, these members are what keep the forum alive and make people join.
If the moderators could not see that, then people will start to take the road to other comunities.
And as I used to say when working as bartender, it is easier to make a new client than to make a good client return . And when the good members go away, many will start to follow that way and almost nobody like an empty pub.


I really appreciate Upstate, he has given me sativas and taught how to grow them, I hope he thinks about me as a close friend, but one thing’s for sure, if we would start to take beers and talk about politics we would finish box|nullxnull (at least verbally :sweat_smile:). I don’t follow his lead when talking about chemtrails, lying governments, geoingenieering and stuff like that, its like making proselitism.

I know I won’t be very popular but I’m sincere, we have given ourselves rules, avoiding subjects that would divide the community and bring quarrels, like politics or secret conspiracies. I don’t think it’s censorship but common sense. Mods have a tough and unpopular duty, those who have joined from years ago will remember those flames, fights and quarrels now fortunately left back.

I missed that thread so cannot give my opinion, what I know is that there is no freedom of speech here but rules to respect, this forum and community is more important than any single member, even if it is respected, appreciated and a great asset as the one we’re talking about.

We should avoid speaking about themes that will bring controversy and division, we have given ourseIves that rule and we should trust if someone has the ungrateful duty to keep things under control and tidy. I admit that under pression one can make wrong decissions, hope time will calm things and recover the right path no one should have abandoned, just keep sharing knowledge and experience that enriches this forum… beer3|nullxnull




I am in agreement with you on this, there really is no middle ground anymore. These subjects should be left out of the forums. Makes for a more enjoyable website


I usually think that people are as tolerant as me, and that is a big mistake by my part.
As this is a forum, it is not the same as having someone face to face and have to discuss with him/her.
Here you can ignore and don’t read something if it is not in your wave. (I do this all the time :rofl: )

I like discussions, always taken from respect and made with respect and no intentional offense. And I can accept people not being compliant with what I say and accept that. ( Well, if the discussion is face to face, then perhaps there will be loud words, but is galician hot blood :rofl: )

Discussions, controversy and divisions are in this forum everywhere, and people with different opinions everywhere, but talking with respect, it could not damage anyone.

There will be people which take the things personally and take different opinions like a personal attack, and I saw that in this forum sometimes in points of view opposed in growing methods discussions!!

I don’t like the censorship unless it is in response to disrespect.

I was not here the time you talk about that quarrels, and perhaps I’m not aware of the dangers of “free speech”, because I’m not a person very active in forums, mostly because all have some berserk that not have education or respect, or only write to attack others. I saw this behaviour in many forums and that keeped me away.

Perhaps you are right in that having some less free speech is better, but not for being better is always correct. As my couple says to me “if I put a finger in your ass, it just fits, but it is not correct”. (En castellano se entiende mejor: “si te meto un dedo en el culo queda justo, pero no es lo más correcto”) :rofl:

Anyway, as you said, hope all this cool down.


This is a cannabis forum. as long as we stick to cannabis, there are few disagreements. when you enter in the outside stuff, things can get heated. The world is divided, Cannabis can unite us all.


upstate says his lambsbreath Giveaway Thread or something was closed. Is that true…
I get that the Chemtrail Topic is a bit a ground for heated Discussions…
but is this true that his giveaway was closed ?

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well its pretty hard times for Theories with alternative Thining. I heard alternative Theories get deleted on manySites such as Youtube Facebook or such. (or alternative Truths, who knows).
There they get deleted , actually i cant understand why, i mean Youtube should have the right to post whatever unverified “Truth” - or " Fantasy" it wants…

this may explain a certain need for upstate to speak freely…

yeah, it might not suprise many that i understand the Sites Moderators Limitations aswell.
Gypsy Nirvana mentioned it aswell political discussions are a very hot topic.


Atleast upstate, im open to some alternative theories. i myselve can imagine well, that things like Genetical Patents, forcing Pesticides, and preventing sustainability may be happening.
all about the money probably… but im never shure tho, so.

just know it would been humanly ok to talk whater one wants to talk… But on the other hand, like said i can imagine as soon as "the goverment " is accused to strongly (be it if they admitted it themselve) that it was a bit of ground for heat ?

But not wrong to speak about, but, like said


I don’t know of upstate ever not being truthful, just saying

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to know that you need to be god and have an all seeing eye


Fox news just reported that the white house is open to geo-engineering and blocking the sun to fight climate change! So there’s that!