Federal legalization in the USA, what does the future hold for cannabis?

I’d you want ‘‘em you got ‘em

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We got seeds in different areas codes.


OG is probably the best place in the world for open source cannabis.
I was excited about the open source cannabis project when I heard about it, shame it turned out to be another phylos scam too…WTF?

Hey @shag I’m trying to brush up on this topic, and it has alot of great information.
I like your view towards these Big Corp Azzhats, you are saying Skunkman is a sellout? (Is Bubbleman still chill?)

I saw this video that left me wondering and worried about how complicated these new processes are regarding Genetic Mapping, and Patents.
It is a long video and I don’t expect anyone to watch it.
Gave me a Headache to be honest.
The whole video confused me

I met someone that knew the Huckleberry Farms Guy. So I asked him about “Whitethorn Rose” and Patents.
He said their Farm is certified to run the “Whitethorn Rose” or something. So it has begun…(Closed Doors, Locked up Strains)

I just feel like this Candor, Herbarium, Genetics Database stuff they are talking about sounds just like the Phylos thing that failed.
I think Huckleberry Farms is just trying to protect their creation from others mapping it and jacking it, but I feel big wigs and money are incentivizing all this

Should I be worried about this?
Why is it so complicated and wack?
Is this video BS? Or these guys are on the right path to protect their work?

At 9:00 she says “if somebody comes across and says, I think this is Whitethorn Rose (that someone else is growing),
they can do the DNA test, compare it to the Herbarium Sample, and issue a cease and desist because you are making money off his work without giving anything back…”

Kinda rediculous to try to make Royalties of some strain.

I’m sorry to make this so long winded
Just wanted to hear your thoughts on this next wave of weird shit legal jargon.

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I am saying skunkface is not who folks think he is.
If working with big pharma and phylos and big AG make you a sellout then yes.
Is skunkface a liar?
Yes, I know this first hand and I said it to his face/ monitor. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

As far as I know, he is not on my radar.
I have heard some things discussed but everyone has haters.
I would chalk that up to gossip myself but I never really looked into things around him.

He musta signed a contract like the one I posted.

It has definitely begun… :pensive:

Look at things this way…phylos was a huge success for the company.
Big cash is flowing for them right now.

Most likely the case, if someone is gonna claim it, why not you/them.

Sure, it is very logical to think this.
We know Syngenta ect are all involved in the game.

I would say be concerned, the hidden implications could get scary.
But worry, I would not, at this point, we are probably too far gone to do anything.
But spread the word you never know, if enough people get outraged by this, something could happen.

I will check out the video and get back to ya.

This is very true and example can be seen everywhere in the commercial AG biz.

Very profitable though right?
Can you imagine getting paid for every plant of yours that is grown worldwide.
If they want more they must get it from you.
The concept is hard for some to grasp, so they call it fear mongering…LOL


Thanks for the video.
It was pretty informative.
Truthfully it sounds a lot like phylos 2.0, but I don’t wanna say that until I learn more.
I would hate to falsely accuse them of that without reason.

I started a new thread with some of the info from a video.

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That’s where we’re headed. As I’ve said before, getting into our current predicament was a process, and getting out of it will also be a process. Waiting sucks, but we’ve made a lot of progress. Count your blessings, things could be a whole hell of a lot worse.

Not federally, and not in every state (apparently 15 states have some sort of restrictions).


The collecting of rainwater is restricted in western states. I believe a lot of it is laws written by cattlemen to make sure they had water for the herd

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It is legal in CA

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It’s not even close to being legal in California.


Interesting about these two vastly different views on the laws in the same state

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it got me to look it up. it is legal after the rainwater collection act of 2012 and you can collect it with restrictions.


The list I found online suggested RI and VA also have some sort of restrictions on rainwater collection (I didn’t bother founding out what, exactly), but the west is known for having more restrictive water rights in general.

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It’s illegal to brake with your left foot in many states, too :thinking::man_shrugging:t2:

I’m not seeing any indication that’s true… can you name any specific states that have laws against using your left foot to brake?

If nothing else you’d think that would be extremely hard to enforce.

It’s illegal to use your right hand on the steering wheel in West Virginia.


In the town of Natchez, Missouri, it is against the law to give any type of intoxicant to elephants. This seemingly ridiculous law came about in 1810, when a man held a live elephant show but the elephant ended up drunk from beer.


In las vegas it is illegal to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk but there’s no bike lanes.