Foreigner Goes Legal

Ya it’s tragic lol, I can’t wait to get back to a normal house where this won’t be an issue again. I never had it in my growing life before this, I think environment plays a huge role.

@Foreigner also keep an eye on that NL and if it never shows up you probably have a resistant plant which is gold. You could at least make that a staple and try other strains as you go.


Sorry to hear about the spread man… Sucks…

I’ll definitely be keeping an eye hoping you get it figured out. Good luck dude!


Rest In Peace bitches

Such a shame


That’s gotta hurt. Probably the right move, though.


If you put them outside in sunlight & keep them arid as possible you’ll kill it enough that new growth will be unaffected…remove older stuff ASAP. (worked for me, but indoors I just don’t have the experience)



So the NL is developing powdery mildew also :frowning:

It’s patchy and irregular but I have no doubt that it’s going to spread fast.

The good news is that this NL is a 49 day strain and I’m at day 41 so I don’t have too far to go. As long as I can slow the PM down a little I should be ok.

I’m going to make an alkali spray at a pH of 8.5-9 using pH up and drench the plant thoroughly.

If that doesn’t work I’ll use the baking soda method.

As I said I only need to buy myself a week so it should be ok.

The real question is how do I sanitize my tent when this run is finished.

Wish me luck.

All the best.


F man, you don’t need that! None of us do. Best of luck.

What I have done.
Depending on the surface, I used alcohol, bleach, vinegar. Separately! Never combined!

Sulfer burn entire 2 car garage and my grow spaces within.
I have also sulfer burned the garage just before flipping.

Major bummer when that chit hits.

Edit. I also “bug bomb” the garage before starting up.


I was thinking about using bleach to clean up my tent when all is said and done. I don’t think I can use a sulphur burn because I live in an apartment.

Also, something just exploded down the street from me. The flames were 30’ high. I felt the boom:


Don’t look at ME! :laughing:

Yeah. That’s not a good combination IMO.

For bugs, heat is the cleanest thing I know of. :thinking: But PM probably needs actual fire. (not 'dissing your weed! :rofl:)




My weed is fire! :slight_smile:

Seriously though I’m going to take some heavy action when this is all said and done.

I’m not sure what that action will be but it might be something like bleach and shutting down for awhile.

I’m also considering why this might have happened and am encouraged by some of this thinking.


So I just made up a spray at pH 9.0 and drenched the NL. The PM is much lighter than it was in the WW. So if this works it will have bought me the week I need to get them to finish before they get fully infected. If not I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.

I was talking to a buddy and he said the guy at the hydro store has seen record amounts of PM because of the weather change. At least it’s not just me.

On the bright side, I did it again. I made a hashish that is too gooey I can’t even get it off the plastic. It’s a gelatinous sticky goo. The only way to get it to behave is to stick it in the freezer.

This is a bit of a pain in the ass to smoke because it doesn’t behave itself but man is it pungent smelly and delicious.

All the best


Good luck with the NL dude, hope she makes it :crossed_fingers:



I got an auto “cheese” seed for free in a recent seed order.

I started it for fun and then ran out of bandwidth and neglected the shit out of it.

It was treated right for the first month. After that it only received one fertilization and one water. This plant was under an overhang so it didn’t even get any rainwater. Here she is:

Today is ~93 days and the trichs look good so she came down. She smells more of berry and less of cheese but that’s ok:

I will let her dry on the balcony for a few days. I estimate 3-5 grams.

I had written this plant off, didn’t have the time or the patience or the desire to care for her. And she still yielded, however so slightly. I’m amazed she didn’t just die on the vine.

All the best


PM update.

So the mildew was beginning to spread on the NL so I decided to do something about it.

I’ve have had PM before outdoor and have used milk and baking soda treatment with some success.

I figured that the point of the baking soda was to raise the pH to a place unfavorable to PM.

So I mixed up some water and pH up to 9.0 and gave the plant a heavy spray - drenched them as best I could.

I appear to have had some success. The obvious patchy spots are gone. There is still a tiny little bit on the underside that I assume didn’t get hit with the spray. It didn’t even burn the pistils.

But, it works. If it stay mildew free for this final week before harvest then I will consider it a success. I hope it’s a once a week spray, if it comes to that @beacher

All the best


Good call and I’m glad it worked for ya. Might want to consider a bud wash at harvest just to rinse off the ph up and any (hopefully) dead pm.


NL day 44ish

So I did another defoliation/examination of the NL. I removed anything that was yellow enough or brittle enough to just come off.

I’m pleased to report that I saw no mildew when I was up close and personal. I thought I did a few times but it was just trichomes.

And just like that, I’m in a better mood! Screw you powdery mildew!

Here are a few pics of the NL. She should really be staked but since she’s the only one in the tent it’s all good:

She’s got 1 week to go.

All the best


Done that before lol, also when I sprayed Potassium bicarbonate on the leaves it would pool up sometimes, and dry out and look just like the PM, I think I totally stripped a Island sweet skunk once because I got tired of having to keep spraying it, for what I thought was constant PM on the buds and leaves, that turned out to be the dried up Potassium Bicarbonate :frowning:


The lack of residue (my assumption) was a big selling point on trying this pH up method. It also helps that I have pH up that I have no other use for :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m still holding my breath but all signs are positive so far.


So the pH 9.0 spray bought me 5 days. It really knocked it down but it didn’t stay down for long.

I checked again today and could see PM coming back. I mixed up a batch at 9.0 and drenched them again. I expect this will buy me another 5 days which will get me to harvest time.

Here are a few pics

All the best



So the little cheese that could was cut down a few days ago and left outside still attached to the stems. I put them in a small cardboard box so they wouldn’t blow away.

The stems all snapped today so maybe I was a day late but that’s ok. Smells more like berry than cheese. Maybe it will change in the cure.


Woo! 6.5 grams!

It doesn’t even look too bad either:

This is my smallest yield ever by a landslide. I’m just amazed I got anything at all considering how poorly she was treated.

Alls well that ends well.

All the best