FREE Seed Tuesdays (USA/CAN ONLY)

Was just curious. Like I said the last win I got I passed along. The only beans I’ve got from @NugLifeFarms420 was will smith punch a while back. I will survive. Was just wondering

It’s all good, it looked like you asked a question which I answered to the best of my ability :joy: :v:


Yes, and well done at that.


This statement is not directed towards any one person just my thought about an aspect of seed giveaways.

Seems to me if you sign up for a giveaway and win regardless if you give the seeds to a buddy you still won and therefore should be put on the exclusion list along with the person you give the seeds away to. I’m not a fan of members signing up for seeds they don’t want and expecting the person giving away the seeds to then mail them to your buddy for you. I think the seeds should be mailed to the winner and if they want to forward them on to someone else let them do it on their dime.


Man you really grind my gears with your indirect bullshit. Everything is supposed to be in good fun. Any beans I’ve gotten I plan to grow with love. I suffer from ptsd and this website has been the extent of my interactions in any kind of social realm. It’s fun to play and I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong. I’ve been purposely staying away because I’ve been so blessed but fuck me for asking a question.


Lets stop running people off the site. Thanks :+1:


Look at it like this. If there is a giveaway of some seeds that I personally would really like to win and I enter. Then Jim and Bob who are buddies see the giveaway and Jim says nah, I’m not interested in winning those seeds but Bob says well sign up anyway, if you win you can have them sent to me cause I really want them.

Comes time to draw the winning number and only me, Jim and Bob entered. Bob has a 2 out of 3 chance in winning. I have a 1 in 3 chance of winning.

I feel like you’re looking into this too much. I’ve never gone for seeds I didn’t want to run. I passed on a win to a new member who was super grateful and is growing the beans right now. This is all supposed to be in fun but you wanna make it something it isn’t.


@NugLifeFarms420 I got 3/3 germination on the sea biscuitz! Thanks again! :pray:


I really don’t understand how all of this continues to bother you so much…
Because it surely doesn’t effect you, right?


Leave people alone & don’t impose your rules on them. Do your own thing, however you want.

Sorry for blowing up your thread NugLife.


How about, if you give seeds away, you can use any rules you want.

If others give them away, they can use any rules they want.


Yeah ya’ll have worn me down. If you want to let the same small group of people make a mockery of OG Generosity and even defend them then that’s how it should be. I’ve tried to make ya’ll see the light but you just don’t want to do so. I just wish you’d open your eyes. Pull up the profiles of the people you see in every giveaway, every thread giving aways seeds, everywhere there are DIBS and take a look at their activity. They’re here for one thing and one thing only. I promise this was my last attempt to open some eyes. If you don’t care I don’t care.

If you’re so sure a group of people exists to take advantage of OG’ers. Name names & lay out your evidence. Open our eyes.

Otherwise you are just dividing people & creating a McCarthy style Red Scare.


If me getting beans that I would other wise not be able to acquire that I plan to grow with love is a mockery of OG than i have nothing to say to you. I love this site and it’s been a huge help for me dealing with hard times in my life. Sorry that offends you that I happen to be in the right place and time for some of my wins.


Sunday Funday let’s gooooo!!! For the first new peep who has a grow log/personal thread on og and is in the US with 5pips or less that types the longest word in the dictionary referring to a lung disease gets a 10 pack of LPC OG F2


Longest word!!! Let’s go newbies!!! :beers::heart_eyes::+1:



I had to read it a couple more times, my bad :joy:


Ya it’s allot. London Pound Cake x Docs OG fyi


I love y’all man…all of y’all! Life’s hard enough we just wanna have fun where we can