Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 11)

Ive been out all day. I’ll try to be around @Bobgrows. It’s my anniversary also tho! You guys have been blowing this thread up today!


Appreciate everyone’s gift giving my friend will definitely enjoy getting them . Thanks


Ok while we wait on @Bobgrows

The first :us: tl2-3 to tell me how many liters of water is in the drain bucket from my AC gets a 5er of SnowMonkey…


2 liters thanks for the opportunity

Oh crap, need to turn mine on. Cheers!

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Ok, Canada too

1.5 liters

Not for me, for someone else 4.5 liters.

3 liters

2.5 liters

2.2l in your bucket

Y’all are way more on top of chores than I am lol

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let’s say a full 20 liters then lol

1 liter! :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree: :thinking:

9.5 liters then

Maybe not quite that lazy :wink:

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10 liters that is it

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7 if multiple

9 liters then! haha

6 liters? or 7.3?