What a great start to 4/20…opened my mailbox to these…
Gracias amigo @AzSeaindooin420
For a 5 pack of mothers milk f2 from Bodhi tell me the Ontario record for steelhead/rainbow trout
Now ur a winner! Send that addy!
Dammit out of likes already, this gonna be a long day!!
40,7 lbs i guess kkkk
40.7 lbs hehehehe
@TopShelfTrees1 18.5kg Steelhead
Prolly gotta be weighed in metric if it’s CA right?? Haha
@tiocranus you got it, send that addy
Lmmfao epic
When in Rome!?
Technically steelies and rainbows are different but the internet doesn’t know that so. @DJSF ill give you one too HMU
The answer is 38 cubits
Oh don’t get me started on the steelhead discussion, we’ll have to get into whether they even exist in the middle of the country hahaha
Edit: for the record I love Great Lakes Steelies, but you know how some folks can be…
Alright 1 more than i gotta go smoke a bowl or 5
For 10 white rhino
Who was the first person to giveaway seeds in this free seeds thread number 11?
Lucky number 7
You were first
Lucky number 13
Haha so true, one who knows huh? Love it, it’s such a heated discussion at times I’ve almost comes to blows more than once, crazy ! Yup I’m one of those die hards myself. My second home.