Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 14)

That’s the plan

I have one last pack of Blueberry x (Gambian x Blueberry) auto reg…

This is a bit different. No dibs. No questions.
First person that will agree to grow these seeds and make a documented grow thread wins a 15 pack. You have to document growing it periodically. Not update everyday, but able to grow them within the next month or so would be ideal. If the grow turns out to be a total fail, then thats the way it goes, you can blame me. :rofl:

So, first person to agree to those conditions wins.


I could in a month

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I can’t wait to give back. Y’all are amazing!
Hopefully my project will start after this auto grow that’s getting going.

First person to say “I agree” wins. :laughing:

I agree lol


Oo, I’d love to say that.
Though I have a fear of commitment.
Just ask my wife, lol
Been together 22 years. Only been married five.

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that is a legal binding contract right there… lol


Alright, @Thats_bank wins.
That is all for tonight.
Now I have to go through PM’s and start on the envelopes.
Have a great night everyone and thank you all for participating. :smiley: :+1:


Scouts honor

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I only need one envelope. I’m sure u know that though.

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dude I gotta do that same thing tonight…

but since you’re done I think it’s movie trivia time for some Holo stickers. Maybe?


Thanks a lot @chronix!
Awesome OGer! You are!!
Great giveaways!! :v: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Go for it! :smiley:

Oo, you said it! We’re gonna hold ya to that!
Looking forward to it.

Come on let’s go before my session gets here lol I’m at the studio

I’m a film person. I think.
Missing popular film festival this year though :frowning:

First question…

Previous winners of stickers are excluded.

What Character did Dom De Luise play in the Mel bBrooks movie Spaceballs?


I’d answer but I already won a sticker from you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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[Pizza The Hutt]