Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 14)

He came back to life!
I’m just stabbing in the dark here
Congrats @Lady.Zandra63

@Lady.Zandra63 Send me your details and I appulad you!

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Woo-hoo! One of my favorite movies…the ending…with the bat going " Renfield-you asshole!" Right before he turns to ash…lol!

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Mel brooks fan??

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Oh yes! They are doing a History of the World Part 2 SERIES!!


Isn’t that mandatory?

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Are they going to be allowed to air it!?

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Outstanding! I did not know this… thank you for that information. I’ll keep an eye out for that for sure! Send me your details and I’ll get your sticker out to you!

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Hope so! Each episode a different time period…should be a hoot…probably end up on HBO or something…

Will do! PMing ya now…

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Ya this is as social as my medi I graduated in the 90’s I mean no spring chicken but not that damn old!:disappointed_relieved:


I look at how sensitive everyone is and cringe. So many comics I grew up with, would never have made it today.

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Right when did this weirdness shift from groundbreaking to offending simple people? No offense to anyone


The ORIGINAL She Hulk…Vampira…Lady Death…they’d have a frigging fit!!

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I’m offended by you takin offense to that hehe

Me take I don’t think anyone I don’t know can actually offend me online. There is no skin in it you I know u kidding

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Just imagine early Eddie Murphy, Rodney Dangerfield, Mel Brooks, Richard Pryor
None of these guys would be famous with today’s environment


I know right

George carlin sam kennison bill hicks we would be stuck with andy griffith or bill cosby. The inhumanity of it. They would be persecuted and maybe prosicuted


Taken straight from a topic on OG