Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 14)

7 days premature

I’ll try 44 days

5 days maybe

21 days for the win

62 days maybe?

13 days eggccbtdx

28 days
And ten characters late

19 days maybe

22 days is my guess

60 days is my guess

3 days for a chance

9 days……….

4.20 days haha

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27 days maybe

45 days early

13 days lol… we can just keep guessing?

53 days premie

Still no correct answers but not very many are even close. less than 5 of you have been within a month


That’s what I assumed since he said no one was correct

I’m going to guess 63 days as this was how early my son was born.
He’s a bruiser now though :muscle: