Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 14)

@Ris is the man for the giveaway :+1: & Modern medical science is awesome

2.2 pounds

3.3lbs :+1:

2.4 pounds

1 lb … 6 oz

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4.1 lbs :turkey:

2 lb 08 oz

3.6 lbs???

@Terpsnpurps you were closer with your previous weight

5 pounds???

4lbs 2 oz. Plus my

1.8 pounds

1 lb 5 oz lol

1.5 pounds

thirteen ounces

1.9 pounds

2.7 lbs is the weight

1 lb 11 oz lmao

Damnit 1.7 :joy::joy::joy:

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3lb 5 oz is my guess