Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 14)

sending love and light your way bud hospitals suck have been there most of the week my dads back in the hospital looking at more amputation on his foot and my on top of that mom just got out of the hospital last night after being after having stroke like symptoms a couple of days ago but thankfully turned out to be a complex migraine and just got released last night


Oh man @DesertHeartGardens . Hope all goes well for your pops. And glad your mom turned out okay. Let me know if thereā€™s anything I can do from afar. :green_heart:

Tis the seasonā€¦ Seems like this stuff tends to happen during the holidays.


Positive vibes for you & your family. All we can do is stay positive & invision the best possible outcome for all of us. You too @DesertHeartGardens :heart: :peace_symbol: :crossed_fingers:

Weā€™re having a rough year but itā€™s going to turn around.


Appreciate the support And kind words @Rhino_buddy and @Gonzo and likewise if you need anything let me know, super appreciative of you and all of the og community have found a second family here in my short time Iā€™ve been around the forum much love everyone :heart::sunny::seedling::v:


Ty dougaclaus
Really appreciate your giveaways sirā€¦:+1::+1:


id run them, but i thought it was closed, im in the us

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it is closed for US but iā€™ll let you participate, just PM me for details.


@DesertHeartGardens Hey! Morning! Sorry to hear that about your father. Hope it may be the least troublesome. Looking on the brighter side, good thing your mom is alright! Take good care of them brother!! They more than deserve! And you will always be rewarded with positive vibes! :pray: :hugs:


yeah induced coma sucks did that after my near fatal accident 25+ years ago when i woke up i pulled the intubation out myself they were a bit pissed prayers going your way


Good morning fellow OG-ers


Good morning @blendmedmedman. :v::facepunch:

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Yikes. Thatā€™s probably what Iā€™d do too. Those things are not comfortable. You almost have to be unconscious, or strapped in to not mess with them.

Glad you pulled through that man! :raised_hands:


good morning, i hope this day finds you well

Thanks once again for this opportunity .You Rock OG

10pk Blue Kush For the person who can guess my birthday (or closest), No more than two guesses per person, so make emā€™ count.

Happy holidays and much love to the OG Family


march 1st, december 22nd

Just realized you can change your answersā€¦ this could be interesting lol


Im gonna go out on a limb and say Christmas since weā€™re getting close here, so my votes 12/25.
And for guess number two Iā€™ll say 12/23 since thatā€™s tomorrow.

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12/24 or 12/31?!?!

12/26 maybe

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