Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 14)

I’m thinking along the same lines
Going to go with 12/27

1/1 new years baby :partying_face:

Sep 21, Jan 3?

July 4th lol

May 20th or take it back. It is today Dec. 22nd.

How about 2/7

Only 365 guesses available, lol. This should be interesting.


January 3rd

I will announce the winner of the Sour Grape and card after this, don’t want to interrupt the giveaway. Especially for BOG beans. I will leave you all to your guesses though cause I got a tent full of these and thousands more about to be produced.


The answer is on OverGrow.Com as a hint, get this moving along lol

I’ma guess 4/20

how about august 25 or oct 27

October 19

Bro, sincerely hoping all remains positive and future improvement occur. Hang tough, NEVER give up and, KNOW OG send their encouraging Hopes!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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January 8th or November 22nd :call_me_hand:t4:

Oct 31 April 1

August 4th or 8th

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Thinking we can call it, the closest was @DesertHeartGardens with 10/19.


Dam that was quick. I was still looking on the ’link you provided . Lol


@DesertHeartGardens Send me your info and ill get em out to ya