Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 15)

:cowboy_hat_face: I have a few seeds to give out if anybody is intrested contact me :mage:
:cowboy_hat_face:This is what i ask for i am on a set income at 81 years old Send a Self addressed envelope inside the sending envelope with 2 Stamps on it USA Stamps please my seeds are regular seeds i will send you a list on here of the strains you may pick the strain you perfer 2 strains per envelope 10 seeds total Thank You ( Alphatoy) :mage:
NY Kush == 17% THC 100% Sativa
Girl Scout Cookies 28% THC, CBD 1%, Cbn1%
Blue Cookie 25% to 28% THC
Kumaroni India Landrace 15% to 23% THC
Yunna Dragon 80% indica/20% sativa
Gods Glue 20 % THC 60% Indica 40% Sativa
UK Cheese - 80% Indica / 20% Sativa THC: 20% - 23%, CBD: 1 %CBN1%
Pindari India Landrace 22%to32% THC Indica

This will End 2/14/23 Thank you for looking