Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 15)

I have had some blends of live resin and distillate with Terps from our cold trap. That smelled super awesome but ultimately tasted terrible. Probably three cartridges that did not taste good at all out of the 25+ this month. @Natea


Iā€™m still out of likes for 7 hrs. :heart:


Sorry for going ā€˜Flashbackā€™ here on you guys, but a guyā€™s gotta say ā€œThanksā€! It took a lot of searching to figure out this one!

For some very odd reason, it seems like Sundays are my prime bean delivery days even though the PO is closed! Iā€™d ask them about itā€¦ but donā€™t want to jinx it! Looking forward to soaking these soon! Hope I didnā€™t appear to be an ungrateful SOB for not thanking you sooner! :joy:

Anyway, thank you so much @firehead ! :pray: And thanks to the collective POā€™s involved for making it such a surprise!
Mailed; Oct. 31, '22ā€¦Received; Feb. 12, '23! :rofl:


Edit: Now Iā€™m REALLY confused! I just came across a post in FSFC from Jan 14th when I WON these same beansā€¦2 .5 months after you mailed these! :flushed:

And meanwhile, thanks to all the OGā€™ers powering up this thread of late!

Double edit! I think Iā€™ve solved part of the mystery! Looks like you perhaps ā€˜boughtā€™ the postage on 10/31/22 but then actually ā€˜mailedā€™ the envelope on Jan 17thā€¦that makes more sense! ā€¦I think! :joy:


WTF!!! I had a hard time to be updated in this thread!

Well, now I know a lot of names :rofl:
That probably will forget by the time I click ā€œreplyā€ hahahah

Good giveaway @THCeed

Happy growings!!!

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Well I donā€™t see an active wiki right now so letā€™s change that. The generosity in this thread has been unreal lately so letā€™s keep that going.

The prize:

(15 pack/reg photo) Goji OG x Inebriating Mint

Weā€™ll draw a winner for every 20 signups. Iā€™ll keep it open for a few hours :v:

  1. @Terpsnpurps
  2. @MissinBissin :canada:
  3. @Smooth
  4. @Green_Light
  5. @Faithisyours
  6. @CanuckistanPete
  7. @Kgrim
  8. @tiocranius
  9. @yardgrazer
  10. @unomas :us:
  11. @djtrip
  12. @Rabeats2093
  13. @Txana_kuin
  14. @Bobgrows
  15. @Habitt
  16. @Natea
  17. @Weednerd.Anthony :us:
  18. @boatbum325
  19. @Abbbian
  20. @ShiskaberrySavior
  21. @MonasticDank
  22. @Piter
  23. @Tlander :thailand:
  24. @Cannaology
  25. @keene
  26. @DJSF
  27. @Mrgreenthumb
  28. @Sincitytoker
  29. @Kasper0909
  30. @donuchee
  1. @THCeed
  2. @LedZeppelin
  3. @Tripl3fastaction
  4. @TopShelfTrees1
  5. @misterbee :us:
  6. @PeaceCoast
  7. @BudWhisperer
  8. @gonzo
  9. @tresbundles
  10. @LtShDc
  11. @Greenfingers

Add as needed


@BasementBeans Good morning and immediate thanks!!
Another awesome giveaway coming along!!
:boom: :v: :hugs:


How about that. Wake up, sign in to check what I missed late last night, and BOOM!!!
@BasementBeans hits the thread with a wiki
Thanks for the giveaway @BasementBeans!!!


I have been refraining from beans and signing up for give aways ā€¦
Butt count me in on this one always some fire to be found
Thanks for the opportunity @BasementBeans
Hope all is well !


Thanks @BasementBeans these sound very interesting!


Thanks ā€¦I already won a few days ago, I want to give the other people a chance too. Canā€™t be too greedyā€¦ :thinking: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Good morning all! :grin: Good to see you guys @Abbbian @Kgrim @Rabeats2093

@Weednerd.Anthony both parents were unique, I havenā€™t grown any of these out yet but they should be fantastic. The Goji mother was dripping with resin - one of those plants you canā€™t touch anywhere without getting sticky. Inebriating mint is a great line too, quite rare if Iā€™m not mistaken, you canā€™t buy them anymore. Great structure & terps on these :v:


Thank you @BasementBeans for the opportunity. These sound awesome!


Damn, that sounds amazing. Sounds like they will wash very well. If I win, Iā€™ll have to send a ball from the wash cycle!!!
Sounds like another amazing strain from @BasementBeans!!!


Thanks @BasementBeans for the giveaway!!!

Happy growings!!

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Wow @BasementBeans what a killer combo! Thanks for the opportunity! Iā€™ve been trying to pop Goji from two different sources lately but neither one has had any germinationā€¦was (almost!) giving up hope.

(PS the Grape Dragons, while chopped early due to threatening budrot, have quickly become my ā€˜weed-o-the-weekā€™! Thanks again!)



Not sure why the space between my name, I tried to fix it but on edit it shows no space there

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Fixed itā€¦thanks @BasementBeans for the giveawayā€¦

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Iā€™m in at #1 lol ā€¦ no it isnā€™t arroganceā€¦ ha!
Also if I win they go to @Bobgrows for her birthday yesterday!! Woohooā€¦ come on number 1 ! :green_heart: šŸŖ“ :seedling: :herb:


Thereā€™s a gap between 27 and 28ā€¦ not sure why lol


Got it fixed. This wiki is a little different With the ) instead of the.