Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 16)

Us only plz

Yeah me too I don’t know what it is I’ve always been drawn to the red tails.

I used to drive by this huge field every morning on my way to work and there was always one posted up looking for field nice. One morning I was heading in and saw him and for some reason it made me think of my baby brother that had passed a few years before at that point and got kinda bummed and all of a sudden he flew down and started flying directly over me in my wrangler with the top off. I got so amped up immediately lol I was like “ I see you brutha hawk!!!” And it let out a nice screech. I screeched back and proceeded to have a great day


That’s touching man.

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Genevieve Bujold and send them to Aloc please if I’m right.


Yep got it.

@A-Loc there on the way! Kindness is everywhere

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@A-Loc give up the deets for your seeds.

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Thanks for the fun @Pawsfodocaws . Get some sleep man before your seed collection is empty :grin:


Wow thank you man, the kindness here is absurd sometimes :pray:

I love red tails as well! Beautiful birds they are.
I like owls too, I’d love to own one or two of them.

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I can go on for ever. The stamps is where I hang up :rofl:

Make sure you guys signup for my giveaway at post 3488. Ten pack of Fleur de Mal og kush mix or bubblegum mix, winners choice.


Already did!!! Thank you

Got it, thank you for the opportunity

It’s weird how the little things can make such an impact. Having a thought turn into an unexpected experience. It was one of those things that I immediately was blown away by and knew it would probably never happen again. Such a wild feeling.


Lmao I’d literally trade tons of beans for stamps. I’m a poor soul :rofl:

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I’m glad you had that moment. I’ve experienced the same along those lines. Cherrish it man

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Oh I hold it dearly in my heart and will forever. It’s weird with my ptsd I forget a lot but I can think of that morning and picture it clear as day.

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Deeply emotional experiences tend to stay with us a lot of time. Both sad and happy. I’ve seen too many friends with severe PTSD and the pain it can cause. I hope you find peace in the little things you can have control over.


The struggle is real, I’ve had some extremely hard times and extremely good times since then. That experience definitely changed me though and made it harder to feel comfortable I guess. Living with what if.

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