Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 17)

this is tough one thou

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Next clue at 11:45 :v:

I never heard them called that in all my life

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Led Zeppelin
Presence 1976
Stairway to Heaven The May Queen and the piper?

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Nope not that song or them characters :cold_face:

They were close, they formed the same time as Led Zeppelin but were the Polka Tulk Blues Band from 68-69 and became Black Sabbath late 69. Did not release their first album until a year after Led Zeppelin, though. That album was Paranoia in 1970.

Deep Purple would have a better claim tot he title than Sabbath because they formed in 1967, though they were called Roundabout at that time, did not go by Deep Purple until a year later and their first album was in 1969, same year as Zeppelin, so really, first heavy metal band was Deep Purple, though most give the title to Led Zeppelin.


Are we all analyzing the lyrics? :mag_right:

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I would really hate to have to address this envelope to myself :joy::joy::joy:

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One of the characters in the song is known to maybe fly!

Led Zeppelin
Presence 1976
Night Flight

Is he pretty “FLY” for a white guy?

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Nope not that one either

Second character can melt

Not a human

Paw Patrol?

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Santa can fly frosty snowman can melt lmao

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Do ya’ll even know what the prize is exactly?

No but you are getting close they do walk on all fours when they are not flying :joy::joy::joy:

All the animals at my mushroom party last night?
They were flying and melting, some at the same time.


You 🫵 are getting very close now :facepunch: