Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 17)

Nope not that song

I’m simply stating that you can’t call them the originators of anything.

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The two characters mentioned in the song are Gollum and Mordor, both of which are associated with J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy novel “The Lord of the Rings.” When spelled backward, “Gollum” becomes “mullog,” and “Mordor” becomes “rodrom.”

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  1. Led Zeppelin
  2. Presence 1976
    3.The Battle of Evermore

Nope got nothing to do with them at all, but a good guess

Nope not that one either

  1. Azseadooin420
  2. Best of shower jams 1994
  3. “Mom and dad” cuz they both spell mom and dad backwards and it being dad day one of em is hot on your mind and they are associated with you

Track was mostly just me screaming as a kid for my mom and dad while I was in the shower, who woulda thunk it would be a top hit

If that’s not the winner then I’m gonna have to throw my “towel” in the ring and go smoke a bowl, sorry towelie, u can’t come with


Lol This has to win something :rofl:


Not that one either

Not even close :flushed:

It could be any of the unholy trinity, though Led Zeppelin formed first (by about a month) and released its first album first, Black Sabbath was pretty much at the same time and we cannot forget Deep Purple, the third band in the unholy trinity.


Look :eyes: to see what @killabud said right band!

Not so easy today, I might have actually gotten you all


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Led zeppelin
Presence 1976
Royal orleans

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Nope almost

Led zeppelin
Presence 1976
Immigrant Song

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So here is your :male_detective:‍♂ clue: look :eyes: up :arrow_up: the lyrics!:partying_face:

Nope not that one either

Have to agree with @Tuned Sabbath was original heavy metal band

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