Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 8)

It’s gotten better… ifish has been really helping alot along w cdnbuddy… I think what was wrong was a fear of overfeeding causing me to underfeed over and over and over… finally stopped my love affair with going too little on feed… awaiting results… just germinated 6 more seeds… broke the top off 1… so 5 going now in propogator and 4 in tent that have been underfed severely

Also I think my light is really making it difficult… just seems to cause them to need more of something I haven’t nailed down … but we were thinking it’s mg

More cal-mag
You using led?
Add Epsom salt at every watering
Gypsum for calcium


Yes a gavita pro 1700e in a 4 by 4 … essentially my whole ceiling is a light

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Not posting your grows? That could help as you go along.


Had to turn sideways or light was blinding phone cam

I was trying to stay up but it’s getting to be that time. PBB I’ll get you next time.
Happy New Year Everyone


Read .knowledge is power trail an error will help you learn


Same same. I made it to 11:20, but I’m stoned and my eyes are closing without my permission.


I have been using calimagic for calmag… plus epsom for added mg

Lol it’s 1:22 here I’m wiped out

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In thst 4x4 please do not run it at 100 %


If I win some pbb I’ll share w ya!!!


Are u in coco

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I am at a certain ppfd… I have a meter and all that jive… have my ppfd very low atm … at 290-300

In promix hp cc

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Temps 79-82
Humid 55-60
Using a 1-1-1 ratio… w cal mag added to ro water ph at 6.1 6.2
Ec was .83
Too low

Find a mentor using your nutes an pro mix almost certain you can find that on here


Yeah for sure man… they have been helping alot… this whole place does actually… I’ve learned so friggin much since I joined and continue to every day… I get on here and check OG before I eat breakfast lol… I shall keep u updated on my grow brother


Start a grow log and maybe invite a couple growers to watch an help

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