Oh come on guys…
Floyd is it
Im saying “is my favorite color”
panther, lol
I wonder why they name strains cheese, blueberry, etc but why not use words like Sausage, bacon, spiral ham … Pastrami & cheese strains
Hahahaha OMG
i was proxy for bigmike there
pink grapefruit
A gentleman’s color.
Looks like @middleman gets the GG#4 x Pointbreak. I would have also accepted Cadillac and Panther.
Got a friend that has a strain named Bacon. Lupos Cannaseed on Strainly.
well shit!
but that was fun tho!
But wait @BigMike55 , you had a proxy
Two questons Doug:
Is this the Undertow or the cross with the RIL?
Does my proxy for bigmike count?
Little fun fact about me: I love Point Break (the movie of course), and me and my buddies quote it all the damn time, and our girlfriends HATE it
as a coincidence.
I happen to be running one of those right now. but I got it from Sebring. Its called Undertow.
I believe it’s just a cross, not Undertow. They are your seeds now bud, do with them as you see fit
EDIT: Ok hold on, could be Undertow. I snapped a pic of the pack but it might have another name on the back. Too lazy to get up and look, rolling joint.
So samwell told me Undertow is crossed to a GG4 that is not RIL but he also did the cross with Tony Greens RIL
My guess is that it is a good variety of a cannabis plant.