Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 3

If we wanted,w e could sell this place for 75k right now, but hell no!

It was in pretty bad shape, and still IS in a bit rough shape. But, it’d cost more than that to find another similar.
there’s a couple lives back a ways from us got a 1acre piece with a small house on it, they’re asking over 300k! about 150yards from us.

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I want way out in the middle of nowhere price? Rough ground in my area is around 5k/acre if you buy 20+. Smaller tracks and anything over 100 acres can be more for hunting

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Yeah, I don’t think that 5k/acre gonna happen here in Oklahoma now that it’s gone legal. they got people coming in from all over the country driving the price up more every day


Those people must be from the coast…, use too real high ground

There’s just been a group from china came here from Colorado and bought 100acres or so for ten times the going rate…then proceeded to get busted for illegal sales.

next county over

They just paid 19k an acre for farm ground 20 miles north of me. That a lot to raise corn

this group of folks paid over 35k/acre so the going rate would be like 5k/acre uncleared

Just looked it up, I was wrong about ten times over it was only 7 times over lol

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Something sounds wrong from the start with that

Why would anyone pay 7 times the value?

Yeh they were being watched lol the county sheriff said that buy put the wind up his skirt… They had a shitload of hothouses going, got the license and everything legit…just were blackmarket instead of selling to the dispensaries here in Oklahoma.

they got a ton of cash and weed then confiscated the land etc and put em in jail

Wow. Sounds like that high dollar land reallly cost them


Nothing like paying 7 times the value of something to get everyone talking


damn it! says maximum number of likes wait 10hr!
so then… :heart: :heart: here we go with the likes in the post instead lol


ok, I’m getting off of here, the wife says it’s movie time lol cyas all tomorrow


Was checking my sheet thought I had that strain , guess I don’t sounds like I nice cross though.


They are regular seed…not females

Hey guys, have you seen Corey’s giveaway thread? Brother has seeds flying out to people. Don’t miss out on his super generous offer.


@JohnnyPotseed PM me your shipping info and I’ll send a pack of Apollo Ape out to you in the next few days. I have to go to the post office anyway, but yeah, give me a few days.



thanks for the heads up would have missed it not for you!

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