Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 3

LOL, no I went through that giant pile I pictured and didn’t even have a giveaway, lol. My PM box just melted that week. Some happy people though so it was all worth it.


Definitely Chinese getting caught farming cannabis in Ontario in the last year or so.


years ago i remember reading about specifically Vietnamese people setting up massive indoor grows with stolen electricity


Lately the Chinese lease land from a legitimate farm owner to “farm” cash crops. When they get busted the owner goes down with them, not actually realizing what has happened. Super sad.


crazy it was always the vietnamese running the black market maybe more chinese out east working with each other now days. its all pgr outdoor that they cant even get rid of tho lol


In Ontario I’m pretty sure the black market sells to the Indian reaerve cannabis shops. Technically legal to buy on reserve property, but the red lights are waiting just near that off ramp.

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yes and to other shops as well that just havent been caught yet that and online

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Yeah, I ended up getting one of those and I’m so happy. I need to figure out how to hook it up to my printer, I’m sure it’s 100x better at designing labels than my cheap chromebook


If you took it out of the store packaging and had less than an ounce what would the cops charge you with? This is Canada we are talking about right?


Cool, so it got there. I wasn’t sure, never checked the waybill. Or did you message me :thinking: Sometimes I looks track :crazy_face:


I thought I did, your a busy man though.

Thanks again!!


No worries my friend, I would bet you did. All good, hope it works well for you.


Yes. Unless your buying cannabis from government approved weed stores, it’s not legal.
Example: In Ontario it’s the OCS website Or government regulated weed shops. No Indian reserves are approved… Basically that’s why.
If the cops stops you, they could give you 1k fine or charge you with trafficking if you have more then 1 ounce on you. (You can say you already had it and didn’t buy it from this store, but they know why people go there lol) obviously not all cops will do this, but some are just plan assholes …
All Provinces have there own rules.
Just Google If you wanna read the info, I don’t really wanna link it here.


Gonna be a tough case to make for the cops, I’m in B.C. , maybe more lenient.


Hello everyone, when I joined OG I also thought of an OG Farm, land in the regions with the best climate to produce cannabis here in Brazil is very cheap…
Who knows in the next president…
Another issue, the Chinese are coming with a steamroller here too, with much more force, because their money is worth more here… Besides agricultural land, in urban areas and food processors, it’s a silent invasion…


landandfarm dot com

browse and dream about having your own farm


Acutally @CADMAN, that 75k the first year was also operating expenses. You can figure 6500-7000 was just the electric bill! lol Maybe like a total of around 25k was just the operating expenses if I remember right.

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Here in Oklahoma, it was a few Chinese that got busted after they came from an grow-op in Colorado to get started the next county to us.


So, I’m new the site, and what better way to say hi than give out some scraps of my Exodus Cheese?

As much as I want/need to put her into flower tomorrow morning. However, she is in need of a repot and pruning or I think I will have nothing but trouble in my 3x3 tent I plan on using.

I should prune here shortly and will have enough scraps to send 2 or 3 people a couple.


There’s a real hankering for cheese around here. Perhaps you should seek a trade. You would send first being new :wink: