Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 3

Love knowing the story behind those beans. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Tell you what. I did get some orbit and you say you want it for itā€™s medical benefits. Seems to me one of the reasons Danny created this stuff was to help people in that way so @G-paS , you just got yourself a pack of orbitor.


So cool Doug


And Danny canā€™t forget you


Boom!!! Is a sentenceā€¦

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Thank you sweetie and @DannyTerpintine for creating it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
:green_heart: :seedling:


so looking at these 2 autos i think they are what pollinated my strawberry cough as they look to have grown balls that i missed and seeded themselfā€¦ so i think i killed off the only plant of it as its clones died and i was gonna reveg itā€¦ if i would have let it flower and seeds ripen would those seeds have been good? also would i have been able to re veg it and clone ?

Sounds really nice bud, fortunate you could save the lineage through all the mishaps. One day I hope to learn to be able to do such amazing work as you do, Iā€™m still fresh into the game even with 3 years of research and growing. Feel like itā€™s almost impossible to learn everything about cannabis, its one of the coolest plants we could grow and you turn it into an art form, itā€™s just cooler than shit to me, I hope one day I can even begin to do what youā€™re doing and make stable solid genetics from fire strains.

Iā€™m actually gonna order Nature Essence right now so I donā€™t gotta worry about missing out on it


@Xianpreservation83 your heading down the right track with GA. It can be made easily with red clover, alfalfa, and crimson clover sprouts blended with molasses, then add aloe and I am always a big fan of neem cake. Bring to a slight boil and let cool. Brew from 24 hrs and strain the plant material. Soak seeds for 24-48 hours the use the solution to water lightly until itā€™s sprouted. I would only try this on one or two with a light scruff or pre crack. If that doesnā€™t work then the hope would be there is embryo still inside some of the seeds and to do a embryo rescue with tissue culture. But that can prove difficult also depending on many things. There are companies out there that allow for the same thing, but with the understanding of the assumed risk, always do your own research and verifications as these are loose ideas meant to point someone in a direction not truly guide them.


Give his book a shot, itā€™s on Amazon. :slight_smile: Wonā€™t teach you everything as nobody knows everything but may teach you a thing or two :slight_smile:


Appreciate the support! :pray: :100:

Iā€™ve been at it for quite some time now, and I still learn new things everyday! I definitely was not breeding 3 years in! But the better you get at growing - the more you will increase your success as a breeder.


Iā€™d got a bag of tree spirit bud a few years back when I was dealing with cancer and chemo treatments . Went to order again and it was sold out not a single seed in that QP.


Has some pack left someone.
I ll be love it!

Ok so letā€™s see where were we, Sugasuga. I think we shall do that one next


Yes please, the SugaSuga!! Quick only 100 more posts left!!

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It ill be a pleasure

Iā€™ve bred once with a Dosidos auto male a buddy gave me, I havenā€™t personally grown out a male yet. But I successfully bred 3 plants, sort of, only like 1/3 of the way by my standards.

Iā€™ll get there eventually, I like slow and meticulous so I can do my best to perfect whatever technique Iā€™m trying at the time, Iā€™m a perfectionist when it comes to any of my work just in general.

Order was placed, excited to try those seeds out eventually, may have to wait until next year but Iā€™ll have pics all over OG when I do


Wow, are we approaching $1000 worth of seeds tonight :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


Not even close. These babies are priceless!

Edit. I meant this in a nice way, donā€™t hurt me Doug :face_with_head_bandage:

