Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5

@JohnnyPotseed don’t ever fire a “warning shot”
I had a good friend in missouri who was tired of a local outlaw coming around his daughter and forbad him from being on his place.
The punk showed up, friend told him to leave, he didn’t…friend shot over the boys head. The boy went to car pulled out a gun and shot my friend
This farmer, team roper and all around good dude wound up in a wheelchair and charged with assault.
Judge gave him probation and the punk got nothing because he fired “In self defense”


yeah that really sucks I don’t know which is worse waiting on money or seeds lol I guess it depends on which one you need the most

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That actually pisses me off
The world a weird and shitty place for stuff like that to happen

Yeah you don’t fire warning shots in my state either.

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The signage is the warning.


her in NY either because they pretty much don’t want any of us to have any guns not even a squirrel plinker let alone a handgun forgetabout that noise all somebody has to do is tell the police they think your dangerous and they will come take all your guns and let you pay to fight to get them back


All it takes is the wrong judge. My daughter has been fighting frivolous lawsuits from a competitor for two years and was recently charged with a drummed up felony. It was dropped but it’s the way the system works…that needs major reforms. And like Forest says
“That’s all I’m gonna say about that”

Same here. A BB gun is a registered firearm here :roll_eyes:

just got a pack of Raspberry cough yesterday from someone thank you very much


Did the Henchman arrive yet? I would have thought here to NY would have been pretty quick.

they did on monday thought I mentioned them but good chance I didn’tyup I got them both and again thank you

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@anon93244739 ,
Mail call! I have to thank you again for your efforts on this event. It was a blast!


Just glad to hear they made it safe! Hope there’s some fire in there.

I don’t believe in ‘warning shots’…if I pull, I use.


My GF is from MI and has her CPL. Her instructor told the class that you only pull if you’re going to use it, and if you use it make sure yours is the only story to tell the cops.


Lol a buddy of mine has a sign on his garage
“ Due to the rising cost of ammunition there will be no warning shot “


lol the sign inside my door on the wall facing it, says ‘damn the dogs, beware of owner’ with a pic of a revolver aimed at them…The dogs are my early warning system, I’ll take care of the rest. Unless we’re not here, in which case…you WILL be eaten!


TBH i’d be more worried if you had a sign that said:
“If we are out you will be eaten by our dogs. but IF we are home you will be eaten by us.”


Naw… I’d just turn em into dogfood anyhow


Package arrived today , Thanks so much ! Can anyone tell me if the Zak Haze X JLO is regs or fems or auto ?