Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5

Who sent them? I’d ask that person…

edit… Oooops, lol I see now that was to @sct

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@anon93244739 I just received a package from you as well.
Thanks a ton.

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I’d say reveg sound like a plan! I always regretted not cloning stuff when it turned out amazing. Usually I was surprised by it. And now that I’ve upped my cloning game it’s so much easier. :wink:

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Definitely worth the effort. Billy an I discussed this further and we’re going to continue the hunt.


Nice! He’s got a green thumb I’m sure things will work out on his end. And good luck to you! I chatted with him briefly about it earlier as well.


Dead today huh? What do you guys have lives on Saturdays or something?

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Shopping and a little house cleaning are the only things on my list for the day heh. Home for the rest of the day now though luckily.

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I dropped my buddy off some hash and that was the extent of my ventures into the world for the day lol I’m just puttering around tidying up a little myself. One of those days where nothing is really holding my attention.

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Just trying to back off a bit. I love giving out seeds but OG is not just a seed grabbing site and some seem to be using it as one. Than they invite all their friends. Not going to stop giving, may throw some out tonight, just some concerns starting to form.


This is exactly why I kinda tend to target some groups of people for a giveaway specifically, example: Newbies thread & Females only thread.

It’s not being done to be unfair, it’s actually being done purely to ensure fairness.

I love giveaways also, but man does it ever get costly & time consuming… So as always I appreciates everything everyone does on OG with much loves.

I think the next one I do will be simpley adding items to the Fall seed box and or via seabrings website or maybe even baked beans website. Who knows.


Yeah I feel like there’s been an uptick in new faces since the BBQ. It used to be easier to keep track of a member’s intent if you saw this was the thread they most frequented. Since it’s kind of a catchall thread that’s not necessarily the case anymore. Still kind of surprises me whenever I see someone come in and just straight up ask for beans though.


Meh for me it’s a catch 22. I understand why it happenes… If it wasn’t for kind OG’ERS handing me seeds to get started I’d still have just 1 strain available to me and I wouldn’t have the ability to make more seeds for giveaways lol although I do still prefer to swap seeds or find a way to give back rather then just take and run away :grinning:


agreed. i myself DIBS’d way too many seeds and i apologize for that. it feels unfair and i won’t be dibbing anytime soon.


Yeah I get it too, it really can be addictive when people are just throwing beans around anyway. It’s real easy to walk the line between getting some free packs and being greedy even if you’re not here just to get beans. I try to balance it out with doing a few giveaways any time I can and sitting on my hands at other times. I would have to give away 80% of my collection to ever give back what I’ve received here, and it would be the same seeds I received :laughing:

I actually asked if anyone was around here though cause I was going to throw a pack out there for dibbing for what it’s worth! :smile: No offense to present company but I’m going to wait until there’s a decent turnout.


I’m guilty of dibbing a bit too much too. I’ve backed off recently when I realized that it wasn’t really nice or respectful of the rest of the community (I couldn’t resist the beans and BBQ ). I apologize to everyone, I have history of abusing good things… and even bad things. But I’ve been planning to giveaway seeds too since my arrival on OG with my seed run, everyone is welcome especially those that have gifted me beans. Hope you can forgive my greed.

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You all sound Canadian with the I’m sorrys lol
Stop it. Lol apologize with seeds :rofl:


Damn I’m going to try to giveaway this pack later and everyone is going to pass cause they feel guilty now :laughing:

I personally think if you’re feeling guilty that’s a good sign though. The true abusers aren’t considering the site or their actions, this is a seed grab and nothing else to them. If you interact with the community regularly, are seeking grow knowledge and just fun conversation, and free seeds is the least of why you’re here - you’re not the problem. It’s easy to get carried away with it around here but if you make attempts to check yourself on it I don’t think you’re who @DougDawson was referring to.

Yet at the same time like everyone else I read that and was like “damn have I been dibbing a little too much too? :thinking::laughing:


Dibs, I’ll take it no guilt here @Slick1 :laughing:
I’m not quick enough to win in these parts.


I took my kids fishing. It was idyllic

Now it’s steak time


Dont do that bud, keep doing what you are doing. You are here, you contribute and also have sent a ton of seeds out. You are not any source of concern to me and I am always happy when you win a pack.