Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5

Wouldn’t it be great if it worked like that? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I applaud the effort though :laughing:

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Also to all of you, please dont take my comments the wrong way. It’s just some general feelings going around about how we are being flooded with people begging for seeds. To be honest I get a bit pissed off when I see “this is the first time. so and so posted, let’s welcome them” And than their first post “can I have some free seeds”. No attempt to meet anyone or engage, just asking for free stuff. Just bothered me a bit and IMO is not the OG way. Sorry if anyone took it wrong and the idea was not to make anyone feel bad. Just had to put out there what many are thinking.


It’s almost bingo time :smiley::rofl::sweat_smile:


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You went fishing, and your having steak, well a bad day fishing is better than a good day at work they say. :slight_smile:
Yeah, I know, you probably have the catch in the freezer. Just joking. :slight_smile:


We got any artists on board?

2 packs, 2 strains each.

5 puna duck f3 reg - pua mana seeds
5 port wine cheese reg - baked beanz

5 blue sour sherbet reg - baked beanz
5 blood orange x gg4 bx1 - baked beanz

Not dibs.

Draw and post a picture of a Canadian Yeti.

My wife picks.

I need a new av.

I show 5:45.

Ten p.m. my time sound fun?

(If there’s lots of entries, I may find something for 3rd place too…:wink:)

Oh, 1st place picks which they want.


What does he charge for his gear, got me interested? SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:

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13.minutes later


Damn. I can only draw Alaskan Yetis.


I’ll accept your bbq’d yeti as an entry, yes.


American sasquatches here shucks lol

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It’s reasons like the bean dine & dashers that even thought I was poked to bite after hesitation I made up a “new members” area where it looks like a lot of us that came here in the last year share the same feelings.

I for one am so grateful at all the variations of strains gifted to me in the past year that there are so many of my friend and family (off OG) that are able to have something that suits their medical needs in the backyard, on their patio, or car port roof :laughing: .

I signed up for all but 1 of the runs because I want them to succeed, am hopeful to grow the strains involved, but ultimately it because the bean return numbers for my investment mean I can partake in the give-aways myself!

My ADHD means that if I don’t jump onto something I wanna do in certain time-frame it may slip… but if I invest into a thing then the OCD takes over with the commitment.

So, I’m committed to give back through all these runs and the doorbell rang mid typing this with my other part which I ordered shortly after the inspirational BBQ & Beans give-away:


Nope, only fish in freezer are sticks. The kids are just learning so it’s more for fun than anything. And I wouldn’t eat anything from around Detroit area. Gotta be north of Clare


my kids love it too they always have but we fish in the old eerie canal you cannot eat anything out of there shouldnt really be touching the water even but meh

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Perfectly stated Doug. It’s all about participating in the community. I saw that I was not offering anything to reciprocate the generosity I had been shown. Yes. I needed seeds when I got here. Y’all generously helped an old guy out. So to show where the seeds went I put up the Green Room.
Now I find I can begin doing the same for others and I try to do just that.
I don’t do one-sided relationships. Any of you that have felt that twinge of conscience are not the ones being spoken of.


I understand and am feeling that frustration too, that’s one of the reasons I figured a few big giveaways a year is better than sprinkling the water cooler with seeds all the time. The bbq I expected new faces, hell, that was half of what it was about. But the hope was that a % stay and engage with the community too.


Your journal is a bigger contributor to OG than any seed giveaways brother. That is exactly what I spoke of. I have sent multiple people many packs of seeds and have no issue with that. Especially if they are like you and have made OG home. You are exactly the type of person that makes this place great.


Yeah, that’s the hope. The fact is I enjoy doing giveaways, it’s great fun. I dont want that to stop and will continue to do them. Just trying to grasp a better way so it results in stronger community. Coming to a thread should not mean wading through panhandlers you have never seen before all with their hands out. Its different when you know and engage with the people. I also have no issues giving new folks seeds but I feel it very bad manners to start a relationship with ones hand out. At least meet a few people first.

As for your giveaway, that shit was epic. Really impressed with all the work you put in there and with all those who donated. Really amazing brother.


Another successful delivery…

. thank you again…


Lol, ok now that comment… well…ok off for an atv ride


Out of likes for an hour, but put one on your last roughly 6 comments on the thread.
