Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5

i can’t drink coffee without masking the bitterness


Hey lol different strokes for different folks. The wife likes a little coffee with her cream and sugar! I also drink my rum straight… not her! :grin: :sunglasses: :+1:


Lol, I met the wife when she was a waitress. I’m sitting alone reading a book, she comes to take my order. I say something that tastes good. She comes back with a bright pink drink, that I sip while reading my novel. She comes over and sits at my table and goes, you’re different, my name is … Worked out for me :yum:


I drink my whiskey straight but like cream and sugar in my coffee. Speaking of which the birds are singing and the light has come up outside, probably should take a nap.


The way I met my wife is a ‘rather raunchy’ story that I’ll just leave be lol


Did she make up a different story to tell people? Lol

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morning folks hows it going this lovely muggy day


Naw lol ok… here’s what happened. i was selling my silver/turquoise jewelry at a local celebration in the tribal seat of Lumberton, NC… I saw her and called over to my stand. She replies ‘I don’t have any money to spend on that’… I replied "that’s ok, I’m not after your money, I’m after your body’! She laughed and the rest is history… There were several more things said that I’m not going into :crazy_face: :grin: :sunglasses: :+1:


lol damn Johnny got game that’s a great story she must have really liked that jewelry

also I like my coffee black it has it’s own natural sweetness I think but I can’t drink more than a cup or 2 a day stomach issues which sucks I used to drink it all day long


I used several totally original, never before used lines… but that was because i spoke truth! she said I made her laugh, and that was a big part.

As for the jewelry, she didn’t get any for a few weeks and by then we were a ‘thing’ and I gave to her, not sold lol

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post withdrawn lol I wasn’t gonna leave that up for long!

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All kidding aside, she’s the best thing to happen to me since peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! The love of my life!

edit… Ok, it’s off to work for me. I’ll catch you good people later!


thats the best, we can all hope to be so lucky. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t meant to live with another person just my plants and my children and when they get sick of me my plants I’m happy enough with that you have a great day sir


I’m the same way. I just switched to the silk almond creamer to try and be a little “healthier”. It was the only “healthy” one that I liked.


I need more Meph in my life gotta check out the Meph mondays for real but I have so many projects already not enough room or time the problem is I’m cheap I would never be able to run a meph bean without first reversing it so if I had 6 meph strains going it would be 6 reversals that’s a pollen filled mess


Fk that :yum:. I gave up pills, powders, alcohol, cigarettes…don’t touch my creamer. :rofl:


my daughters love that stuff not a fan personally they like all those fake milks too lol also not a fan

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I think I tried 4 or 5 before I found the silk one that tastes like real creamer lol.


me too all but the cigs thats next if you take my coffee wéll that might be a wrap