Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 20)

Not great on the guitar but fun to play a couple tunes. I’m better on the drums :sunglasses:


You really need a lefty :wink::sunglasses::+1::facepunch::v:

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I do play with both hands, but not as well on the south paw :paw_prints:

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I play equally as bad with both!


When it comes to music, just play, nothing matters.

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Alright all you guitarists out there, Got a challenge for you, Learn how to play Playing God by Polyphia.

Just the intro before the drop kicks in with the rest of the band

If you can record it and post here somehow. Your in !!!

best cover of the intro gets a pack of beans !!! ( havent decided what kind yet )

note : ill only do this if we get enough participants :stuck_out_tongue:

bonus points if you can play what comes after the intro LOL

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Well…I’m out! :rofl:


I dont have pedals or electric acoustic. Sorry champ this is above my skill too. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I did miss a lot all caught up now had to feed mommies baby



shit man I dont even know how to play it nor Do I have a guitar LOL

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TRUE, he does have a acoustic tutorial i think

Sent out a while ago, really would like to see one of those Hashplant x in someone’s tent.Thanks for playing.


The drum beat I could nail if I still had a set ( mid song actually that very fast probably not) lol

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For those who are curious about the song lol. Dudes a modern Jimi Hendrix imo


I’d rather take a pass. Rather listen to Jimmy Page playing Rain Song !973 Madison Square Garden.


Hes such a good drummer, tbh the whole band is about as tight playing as they come. Super talented folks

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Lay down the pretty little dots :notes: and I will play the tune, or let me list to it.:wink::facepunch::sunglasses:


hahah They have tabs but I think its paid tabs …

Tbh tims got alot of videos on his youtube basically teaching u how to play it

I’ll take Johne Bohham, Ginger Baker.

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I just know you guys are mostly old heads in the music space… I want to see some old heads learn the new school stuff XDD

If anyone participates good luck!!! It looks rather hard to learn , as he uses like 2 or 3 picking techniques in the intro alone im pretty sure