Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 20)

Squires are the best bang for the buck right now… :slightly_smiling_face:


That is only a Squires neck on a real Strat as I love the neck and have done a lot of work to it. The Gibson Les Paul was a wreck when I got it so I totally had to take it apart and rebuild it as well as refinish the entire guitar :guitar: :wink:. :facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:

EVH is a few years old and I just got it out of the case recently and started playing it.

Gibson’s were always boat anchors to me, nothing against Gibson, but quite honestly they suck. Norlin eras Gibs were shit, no need to search. My best main guitar that I play daily is my Tele Baja, neck is a freaking killer. Sounds great through my Matchless and my Vox AC15.

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I will take pictures of my tele from the 60s, rate now it is on the other side of the house on my work bench and I am working on it. Might be a while thought. First real guitar :guitar: I ever had bought it in 1979. First guitars :guitar: was a copy Les Paul copy made by VANTAGE, but it was hooked up DiMarzio Humbuckers, Grover Machine heads. :sunglasses::v:


Sweet, I got a 54 EPI Texan acoustic when they put Gibson to shame. I got a 57 Strat that i have no plans of ever selling with my wife’s name on it. I have 4 teles 58, 62, 82, 98. I’ve taken more to the Teles for the simplicity. My Esquire is rather new from 1214… Novelty, nothing special. Amps, Fender Twins, Super Reverbs, 2 Princeton Reverbs, Vox AC15, AC30. My favorite is the AC15 Cranked with a Tumnis Mini.


Here’s mine…that I completely suck at playing


Dibs on one of the guitars. :laughing:
@CanuckistanPete Are you a lefty? Looks like a left handed gee-tar in the pic.


What year Brother? That’s a sweet sunburst

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I am a southpaw! :grin:


It’s a 50th Anniversary 2004 American Series


Damn!! Question! Is every stoner a guitarist or is every guitarist a stoner!!? Myself included!? Awesome!!
You folks rock and jazz it all the reggae heavens!!
:sunglasses: :flushed: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :right_anger_bubble: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


I wouldn’t call myself a guitarist…the other two guys are. I am not. I just own one…and struggle mightily on it.


Put that under the bed and leave it for many years to who who love most…lololol
Beautiful guitar man!

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Honestly , it’s sat in a closet most of it’s life. Part of me feels like I should sell it to someone who will use it like it should be. Another part hopes I end up with a lefty grandkid who will blaze the hell out of it! :laughing:


All respect, guitar will only go up in value. I’ve given away guitars to people who took an inspiration and I felt that what I did was right. :seedling:

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I bought that on eBay for $880 Canadian 20 years ago (when eBay didn’t suck). No idea what it’s worth but it’s pretty much brand new condition and likely worth 3 times that I’d guess.

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I am a southpaw as well.
I should try a lefty geetar one day.
I played right handed ones… I probably would have been a better player with a lefty.
Then again I could just suck at musical instruments. :rofl:


I see you are what we call a south paw :paw_prints:

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Brothers! :grin:


That’s what I said…about 10 posts up! :wink:

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