Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 21)

operation whole grains completed, da bounty has bean secured


Either way the podcast was very cool to listen too,

We got insider information from Nat over at Humboldt seed that orders are going to start having Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Landrace freebies apparently,

And we now know that on February 1st a huge hunt through the Donutz Triploid Strain is gonna happen which sounds really cool :stuck_out_tongue: Personally I only follow The Homegrow Tv YT channel because its REALLY cool to see how the Columbian Legal weed scene is ā€¦ and he films REALLY good seed to harvest videos , he was hosting the triploid podcast.

Nat Pennignton from Humboldt said that triploid isnt going to replace traditional genetics. Its just a wider gene pool to work with essentially with its pros and cons. Dont take my word for it but I think one of the pros is High yield fast autos. But I seriously dont know if thats true, just seems that way from how the conversation was on the podcast.

He said triploids are not meant for breeding as they ( if I remember right ) wont produce any genetic differences from the mother, they are just purely for flower. ( IF i remember correctly lol , to be fair the podcast is re watchable )

They also will keep regular diploid strains around and wont completely switch too triploid !

I think something a little more interesting than even this though is whats happening in the hemp market. With people like Typ3 Cannabis taking the best of the hemp market ( stuff like high alpine genetics , more specifically the Reddit Cut of O.Z kush ) and crossing it with some of the best of Type 1 ( Beleafs Chimera ) and creating type 1 level CBD strains.

This is much better information than what RQS was presenting, anyway; Iā€™m assuming youā€™re misremembering on why precisely he said triploids arenā€™t meant for breeding. Triploids are almost, but not quite, completely sterile. Thereā€™s roughly a 0.1% chance for each pollen grain to create a viable seed. As he said, the pros are a wider gene pool to search through; for him, another ā€˜proā€™ is also that people need to keep coming back to him to buy every single seed because they canā€™t breed their own. To us, that would probably be a con, in both senses of the word. :stuck_out_tongue: Certainly is to me. This is the real reason people are hyping triploids IMO, not because theyā€™re definitely gonna be so much better than normal diploid plants. Iā€™m nowhere near as enthusiastic about what heā€™s doing as you are, though it doesnā€™t bother me - Iā€™ll just keep ignoring him as one more guy whoā€™s trying to rip off growers.


Pack of Peanut Bubble testers up for dibs :us: :canada: (Peanut Butter Breath x Sour Bubble)


dibbaroni maloni


Send your info. :information_source: @BeTheLight


Awe Peanut Butter. Cool. Nice get.

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I know, I know.
Trying to order me a pair, Size 40 waist.


Shipping on those is gonna be pretty steep :rofl:

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And might take an entire seed run to fill them. :joy:

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Someone here on OG shared these seeds with me and when I originally got them Iā€™m sure I knew who they were from. At this time I donā€™t have a clue and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction because I am wondering about whether these are indeed Auto seeds. My love of autoflowers wants to believe that they are but my other brain says they most likely are not and are photo seeds


Unless you sent them to yourself, it says Autos right on the pack. lol


Interesting cross :thinking:


I havenā€™t seen any open pollination BOG Bubble autos done. Iā€™d have to say they may not be autos. But the 1 and the 2 also throw me off, so I have no idea.:rofl:

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This place is called OVERGROW, because the only way to find out is to grow them!

Cast them upon thy soile!
Itā€™s what weā€™re all here for, hesitate naught!
Go forth and be freedom!


They have been in the post for a bit! You should see them any day.


Size 40? :laughing:


40 size 1s


Donā€™t send him 40! The guy is plain evil when it comes to seeds! Think of the children! :joy:


I like them toasted.IMG_20240111_162402