Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 21)

:exploding_head: :raised_hands: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :v:

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It loooks I’m late to the party :tada:

Thank you for the giveaway @blowdout2269 and thank you @Ris for the tag :+1:

There much more to all that…

I was born with a heart defect they call disease of a king for reasons(:wink:) and one of the side effects is meds resistance… amongst many things but that’ll be for another mith story time old friend :orange_heart:


Is that why Mithridate? If I remember correctly, he was resistant to poisons. Self-administration of small amounts…


Thanks, @LzBoy . Good looking out with the tag. I appreciate you, dude.
Been busy as hell this weekend. Had to contend with a migraine, hang 18 sheets of drywall, and work on getting the garden ready. Sorry to have missed all the excitement.
Great job @blowdout2269 , @420noob @Mithridate on tossing up some fire to the community. Y’all OGTW.
Congrats to all those lucky catches!
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


It’s multi layered but immunity is a big one. Good on you, very few know of this fable


Dam, HELL YEAH :+1:! I just woke up to find this in my messages! Thanks a lot @420noob for the beans 🫘, nothing like finding a surprise like this to start a day! I would send you my addy, but as much as we send back and forth to each other I think :face_with_monocle: you just might have it. :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:. :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Congratulations :tada::balloon::confetti_ball::champagne: on your win :trophy: @Smooth! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Congrats to you also Buddy. Woohooo.

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The name mithridate is a mythical concoction reputed to be a universal antipoison invented by king mithridates of pontus. He became immune to assassination by poison and had a feast with his enemies where everything was poisoned

It’s been part of my culture and ethos. I just had to share this with you.

Hope you recover from surgery soon and feel minimum discomfort. :v:&:green_heart:


Yes I recall he poisoned himself in little amounts his entire life so noone could ever poison him. Fuckin genius.

It’s OK. Live n Learn is what it’s all about.

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Yet I still need to say his name as if Mike Tyson was referring to a date of unknown origin… Good luck @Mithridate wishing you a speedy recovery

But first, you must pick your poison. :rofl:

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Hope this all went smoothly for you!

Thanks a lot @darkillusion for these bad ass beans 🫘, feeling really lucky :four_leaf_clover: that I got some of these as I have seen the price $ tag on these! WOW very generous of you bro :sunglasses:! :facepunch::+1::wink::peace_symbol:

Aficionado Seeds – GTR F3 {REG} [10pk]



Your well wishes worked gents :muscle:

Surgeon decided against surgery last minute after talking with the head surgeon and put me antibiotics instead so I’m off to work :upside_down_face: :sweat_smile:


So what happens to that splinter?


It’ll stay in there forever or my body will eventually reject it


I had sea urchin spines in my fingers once…got most of them out but a few were in too deep. I guess they eventually disolve. :thinking:


This hospital has Instagram doctors so I won’t let them cut me. If my body don’t reject the shard, I’ll PhD myself.