Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 21)

It will work itself out in time.

Hey there OG, we have our latest Pollen winner. It’s #18, @Tripl3fastaction. Congratulations, send me your info and choice of pollen to collect your prize.


If anyone that is not on the call list wants added and more then happy to add you :innocent:

@hollyho @tresbundles @ElGalloBlanco @CrunchBerries @SensiBowl @BeagleZ @LegsMahoney @bassman5420 @AzSeaindooin420 @morecatslesspeople @Limeflavouredheadbut @highminwin @BudWhisperer @VAhomegrown @MoBilly @Oldtimerunderground @potpotpot @Pluckyevil @KanehB @BigMike55 @Foreigner @Abbbian @LivingBlackSoil @Greenfingers @Greasy @Dr.VitaminGreen @JaxxMunster @BarefootAndBlazed @HolyAngel @Cartwright @Chiefer88 @AZsensi @VAkish @HorseBadorites @Bobgrows @oleskool830 @Tugthepup @Meesh @Murciano207 @CornbreadJunior @Budderton @NorthNorthNugs @Gpaw @Rhino_buddy @Pigeonman @Shadey @JoeCrowe @gonzo @misterbee @thecrazster @no_chem @Terpsnpurps @Mrgreenthumb @Illicitmango ) @Stoner420 @CanuckistanPete @Big @Sincitytoker @Andrane @Natea @E5_Wilk @jessethestoner @Groenevingers @Spitfire @patsnumone @Jimdoors @calman1955 @keene @ifish @Cyr_grow @420noob @THCeed @Sbeanonnamellow @Habibi @Big_Yeloe @HappyTrees23s @Yetigrows @blowdout2269 @Hellablaked @DonGnosis @Cannaology @Smooth @Draig @SleepySails @FirstCavApache64 @anonymous4289 @Kgrim @Carl-Spackler @Mr.greenbee @Wuachuma @calman1955 @Lady.Zandra63 @Gnome1 @RadioWaves @PeaceCoast @Yetigrows @djtrip @Weednerd.Anthony @scotchlock @CamTheCannaman @Metz2 @Hippiechik @Cannabinoid @Cadizzles @MonsterDrank @zavorotnuck @Butustank @tbone1 @splinter7 @skip @heavenlygoo @FeloniousMonk @Tuned @Adventuretime86 @duo @Ottafish @icky_sticky_og_nicky @DiRtYSkuNkZ @Pannonian @ChefDGreen @Ris @amumayuk @freed111 @GrouchyOldMan @mike28086 @Kasper0909 @GreenBhoy @NoCal @hermit @STIGGY @ColForbin @tamimes @OhNo555 @freed111 @OGBohab @dracodragons @Sense @Villiager @Billybob @MassTerpyy @Sdoyle @Icon @UncleLemur @RiverCityRando @DelDavis @Pawsfodocaws @NDNCHILD @Strainger @Misguided_USMC @seeds2weeds @PatioMat @GEMI-CONNECT616 @LzBoy @hawkman @CaptainNemo @6u3m @OnePassionateGrower @kevinmalone @LowenderMN @percyryan66 @GallacreekD66 @Crawfish @TricycleOfDoom @hawkman @Zolorp @Cybersmib @Not-Notjosh @SubzeroIceKold @MyrtleGrounds @imgrowingart @scotchlock @mainerJ @Obski @Til_Valhalla @DEFSeeds @Wizdom @Hippyhop @ThirdStone @AmnioticBaptism @Movement13 @IKEA22 @Movement13 @sunra108 @zezozose @Whatnow @Originalweedman @Trae1170 @XgrimmX @Dannyrawdog420 @j0ebob @Gadarien @Hashton_Kusha @smokekulture @Growgrassblowglass @mox @stiffy @luxton @belleswell @Gumbert @Fortman420 @Chasev89 @bevestaldo @sd9007
tenor (3) .



Let’s do another round of pollen. Winners choice for a pack of Blue Kush, Blue Moon Rocks or Sweet and Sour Cindy pollen. Sign up below for your chance. Good luck everyone.

  1. @Scarlyle :us:
  3. @Tuned :canada:
  4. @repins12
  5. @bevestaldo
  6. @Cannaology :us:
  7. @OnePassionateGrower
  8. @Jhamersburg
  9. @luxton :canada:
  10. @Villiager :eu:
  11. @globalhead
  12. @Fortman420 :canada:
  13. @Originalweedman
  14. @LzBoy :canada:
  15. @zezozose
  16. @Trickster
  17. @stiffy :australia:
  18. @ix3u
  19. @Hashton_Kusha
  20. @Sbeanonnamellow :us:
  21. @Ratbastrd :us:
  22. @503BudMan
  23. @Trae1170 :us:
  24. @Rogue
  25. @Doober
  26. @BuckeyeBeanz
  27. @Growgrassblowglass
  28. @FeloniousMonk
  29. @percyryan66 :us_outlying_islands:
  30. @Sdoyle
  31. @freestyletothis
  32. @blowdout2269
  33. @belleswell
  34. @420noob
  35. @m0sirys

Add more numbers as needed


Congrats @Tripl3fastaction and thank you @DougDawson!!


Congratulations :tada::balloon::confetti_ball::champagne: @Tripl3fastaction on the pollen win :1st_place_medal:! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Thanks for sharing all the pollen @DougDawson :clap::clap::clap:, pretty soon you will be competing with Mother Nature as spring is approaching! I know you will give her a run for her money :moneybag:! :facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Good luck to all on this one :point_up:! :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers::ok_hand::upside_down_face::star_struck::hugs::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


My sister is immune to lidocaine, fortunately carbocaine and benzocaine work on her. She has a hell of a time making dentists believe her. Now she has a good one, and just walks right out of the office of anyone who won’t listen.
They all work on me to start with but wear off really fast.
Big sympathy! Love the poem reference!


New name for yah …
Fester :crazy_face:

Are you by any chance a ginger?

The reason I ask, we gingers tend to have issues with pain meds not working, and having a higher pain tolerance.


I’m completely immune to morphine. I told the doctor that when I broke a bone, and they told me they were going to give it to me anyway lol. Welp, no relief whatsoever and sent home with full pain.


:thinking:Guess I would’ve had to bust out the dental dam and rubbers


You don’t even have to be an actual ginger, I have the red headed gene but my hair is brown… I need more xylocaine than most people and opiates do very little for me. At this point I decline a prescription if offered and get by on scheduled ibuprofen/tylenol and cannabis.


Thanks so much @DougDawson. Your generosity is off the charts!!


Hi folks!!
Time to say thanks to a few awesome OGers!!! From photos to autos, regs to fems, beans flying all over galore!!! :pray: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :sweat_smile: :flushed: :exploding_head: :cowboy_hat_face: :sunglasses: :raised_hands:
First off… Dear @darkillusion Once upon a time, a bit suspicious… you’d hesitated about sending beans all the way south of the equator, in fear of them never reaching their destination!! Looking back, and seeing the tons of beans flown right from your Ogenerous hands, tons of us are the beneficiaries!! Guess I’d changed your mind a long time ago!!! Appreciate it friend!!

Once there was an OGer, a bean slinger, upon noticing the bunch of “bs” in my avatar, mentioned, “you’ve got too many bs on your name to be taken seriously!” Had to agree with him! :flushed: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :sweat_smile:
@Going2fast Friend, thanks a lot!! These fems are surely hitting the soil (out of 2 Scarlet Grapes, one is happening whereas the other one is about to die!)!!
Appreciate it!! :v: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :pray:

Now, is it isn’t that uncommon here, I happen to win a pack over a fierce dibster battle, and it turns out the amazingly awesome OGer who’s sending me the pack simply doubles, if not triples the gift!! This has been exactly that, incredibly Ogenerous friend @RainToday threw a triple punch!! Thank you, thank you and thank you brother!! Absolutely wonderful!! :hugs: :sunglasses: :v: :pray:

And last but not least, an awesome OGer, always present and supportive of everyone round here, our dear friend @OhNo555!!!
Appreciate it!!! Awesome H/13!!! OG! It couldn’t be better!!



Nope, not a ginger but am aware of these traits in the redhead folks.

I never really got a straight answer from any doctor, they mostly think I’m lying to have a bigger prescription lol.

My old dentist understood the most regarding this subject and knew some workarounds.

Unfortunately I don’t know everything I’m resistant to but I know weed and coffee is plenty potent lol


Did she/he resort to old methods such as, “an upper cut first, then dental work!”? :flushed:
:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: @Mithridate Abbbian messing with you!!


…. Or a couple shots of bourbon before any dental work?


He had his assistant flash patients just when he pulled a tooth.

Bam :innocent:


Way better then thread or twine tied to a doorknob!!
:sweat_smile: :v: :sunglasses:


What a score. I love the extra RainToday surprise. The woodrose remedy is a Humboldt heirloom. I am excited to look into those myself.


All good selections with positive vibes also.

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