Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 21)

Thanks @420noob :grin::metal:

You all make for one hell of a holiday!!

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@DougDawson would you mind adding me to that massive call-out list??

Thanks! :metal:

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Most giveaways donā€™t have any strings attached as far as growing. If planting them is required they will state that at the beginning of the the post. Otherwise stock your seed vault growmie!


Thanks guys.
Iā€™ve put my name back on the wiki.

To begin with i thought wiki was something to do with Wikipedia :shushing_face:


Hope you win after this comment!


No worries man! This site is laid back and not full of arrogant idiot trolls. We actually like helping and seeing people win good genetics. I havenā€™t even made my own seeds yet, itā€™s just that much fun giving them away. This site will give you multiple lifetimes worth of seeds as long as you arenā€™t an total asshole, hold up your end of trades, and Do Not create sock puppet accts to get more seeds. Follow that and basically you have found home and heaven in one spot.

Oh ya donā€™t sell the seeds you are given or win.


yeah, youā€™re not kidding. i literally ran out of space for seeds. i have to sort through them and maybe give a bunch to secret santa next year or something, i havenā€™t figured that out yet.


I had to get a college dorm style fridge as my collection ā€˜got evictedā€™ from the kitchen fridgeā€¦ :rofl: :+1:
Now Iā€™m worried about my stash of ā€˜fresh frozenā€™ in the freezer, I better get making some bubble hash by spring.



Iā€™m so closeā€¦


Iā€™ve got one of this small fridges out in my garage itā€™s about 3 foot tall. , Iā€™ve been tempted to bring it in , just not enough room yet ā€¦ :grin::grin::+1::v:

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Any anime enjoyers? I need some recommendations to ride out the sickness via the power of God AND Anime by my side :stuck_out_tongue: LOL


I recommend DragonBall Z abridged on youtube.

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Anyone seen this happen before ? Cloner is clean only clonex and water , plants seem to be growing fine. Just never seen pink roots :grin:


thats really cool !

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I thought the same. Itā€™s new to me. So wasnā€™t sure what was going on. lol. Clones seem healthy other than needing a nitrogen boost of some regular nutes. Lol

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The thickness of those middle roots look mad man, This is a CLONE? Phew we U got a monster on your hands

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What do you think?


Baki is awesome!

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Yes one of 2 cuts from @JustANobody I have some white widow and trainwreck that were 16 days and foot long twice as thick. Lol


Just baki huh !?

@BIGJ Super impressive to say the least ! right on dude

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