Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 22)

@OhNo555 Damn beautiful!!
Wtg Coooper!!!
:partying_face: :dog: :hugs:

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Thank you @percyryan66 for the tag. Damn I missed a lot. Figures …the one night I actually went to bed before 12 am :joy::rofl:. We had our grandson overnight to give mom and dad a break and well, He’s only 4 months old and has his days and nights mixed up. So didn’t get much sleep … slept good last night refreshed and ready to go :v:


Thank you :blush:, wifey is making his breakfast now. Ground beef :cut_of_meat:, sweet potatoes :sweet_potato:, peas 🫛, carrots :carrot:, and some kinda organic kibble. He gets two hot meals a day about 6 cups at a time! :flushed::open_mouth:


He got a 2 1/2 pound sirloin steak :cut_of_meat: and cake after dinner yesterday. Wife made him a peanut butter and apple :apple: cake :birthday:! :star_struck::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Damn!! Wish I could be treated like Cooper!!
:sweat_smile: :exploding_head:


I now have a road kitty lol
He has about 7000 miles driving with me
From Cali to wa
Wa to Idaho
Idaho to Cali
It’s crazy I never spent a day without him in 6 yrs


I two sometimes wish I had four paws :paw_prints: and a tail so I could get that attention. He is the wife’s baby and is on her all day no matter where she goes.

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Animals are amazing
Nothing like there love


He chases are cat :cat2: Peety quite often :joy::joy::joy:, they got a love :heart: hate relationship. Cat put a hurting on him when he was just 2 months old and that set the tone and drew the line. :joy::joy::joy:


Ya we had Dobermans an he ruled the roost this cat came home one day with his side bite open
So now he never goes outside
Vet said it was not a domestic animal that he got in a fight with
Love all animals
Almost got into multiple time seeing people kill spiders or anything that can be take
Outside an left
I love all


I don’t have much regard for anyone that exploits animals for their own enjoyment, some people are just idiots and need a cap busted in their ass! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Animals are a great judge :man_judge: of a person’s character. :wink:


Well weather sucks in MD on the East coast rainy and around 48* degree.

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I believe in always protecting the weak or prayed upon
I’m in the gym everyday traitor 14 yrs now
Never own ya cap buster or slug buster lol

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Damn 5 am and I still missed all the fun!:disappointed_relieved:


I am old now and will just shoot :joy::joy::joy:

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Ya it just started snowing outside my camper here in kettle falls wa
Can’t wait to get home on Thurs to Puyallup wa


Yes and there are a lot of dipshits running around breathing that just don’t realize that suicide is always an option


I’m 52 in march
U would think I’m 40 tho lol
Might compete in bodybuilding in April
I stay ready lol


What up bro :sunglasses:, good morning. We missed @blowdout2269 big wiki extravaganza last night. :slightly_frowning_face: I could not find it and played my guitar :guitar: till 3:30 and fell asleep :sleeping: to be woken up by the dog :dog: with his leash in his mouth at around 5AM :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :joy::joy::joy:

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Always good to have medical :hospital: and life insurance for those sudden mishaps :wink: