Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 22)

You blowing your nose, then adding glitter… :laughing:

My daughter is happy, she got to toss a large pile of glitter outside the front door. It looks like a smurf sneezed everywhere :laughing:


Allergies Season for smurfs has been a real doozy

Unicorn fart :unicorn::dash: :sparkles:


I’m out of likes…so thank you for thinking about me and tagging

You rock


I don’t know why she is a good . I got 2 pucks from you and have a hard time not entering for a 3rd :rofl::joy:

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what pucks you have, scarlet grapes… :smiley:

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is a random 24h lights out terrible for a girl already in flower?

Should be fine unless it’s consistently off for 24hr periods

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This is insanity!!!

Totally hardcore, lol.
Sorry bout the delay. Decided to up-pot something.

Shoot me a PM sometime. I’ll find you something extra special in my collection.
You totally deserve it.


Your awsome @Fortman420
Keep them kids smiling


A dad needs to be strong but a total goofball for them. Right now I’m sitting watching Percy Jackson with the kids and I have little plastic gem stones stuck all over my face.


Wont be doing that !!!

I screwed up my sleeping schedule and missed one of my timers, I want the lights to come back on in the morning and NOT night lol.

( I use phone timers Im not fancy yet with timer plugs and such :stuck_out_tongue: )

I have back up mechanical timers to my electronic wall timers. The only limitation is my bank account and the wife’s whip crack on buying seeds and equipment

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I only use mechanical timers still.
Most reliant in my mind.


I would agree, I’ve had a few issues with electronic over the last yr.

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Those mechanical ones look neat !

Mechanical timers are great!
I just like the simplicity of setting them, and the reliability. The current one I use is from back in 2016 roughly and still holds true/time perfectly. Now, I have no experience with any other timers lol but shes worked great all these years.


No, they’re purchased, with cool genetics. Will probably make a bunch of weird ones, maybe some will be good, yield and timing can be all over the place. And you get any big enough to eat the first year. Crazy plant breeder geek stuff. :rofl:
Btw, potato seeds are very poisonous, so if your garden potatoes make them, keep them away from little kids.
Here’s where I got mine - they’ve got all kinds of cool stuff:


Quick grow question…

I’ve grown this strain for a number of years. It always grows to be quite tall with at least an inch to two between nodes. The only real change with this grow is the light, which is currently about 3’ away and has a strip of wax paper taped to it to diffuse the light a bit.

Any thoughts what would be causing this one (and the other 2 plants in the system) to grow nodes right on top of each other like this?

This was taken about an hour before the light would come on, she just finishing up her sleep.

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