Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 22)

According to the USPS first class letter rate mail can’t be more than 1/4 inch thick.


Lol I replied to you and also tagged someone else to thank them for ACTUALLY being helpful, instead of pointlessly making those comments 2 separate posts in this thread, seems something crawled up your ass because you apparently have a problem with everyone today from what I’ve seen :joy:


Not sure why you had to react so rudely.

Well, if you need someone to spoon feed you…
Click on your avatar at the top right.
Go to “Preferences”.
Left hand side you will see “Users”.
From there you can “ignore” whichever users you would like.

You’re welcome. :smiley:


Opportunity seen and taken, love it :rofl:
Thanks for the laugh


lol that was a good one, I figured that out and ignored 3 people tonight :pancakes:

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Why wound so tightly my friend?


@PsillyRabbit Whilst I disagree with ignoring these dudes as they are pretty cool and just trying to be helpful not disrespectful.

I get your methods have worked and probably do still… but why an oldschool method that is so much more work than a flip, washer, and a wee bit of the ol’ scotch tape? Are you just more comfortable sending like this? Also on the plus side the flips make for a ton easier storage for the receiving party.

In my small experiences with shipping and receiving beans older methods like that have quite a bit lower survival rate.


if the seeds i worked so hard to create were getting crushed i wouldn’t waste my time.

I wont send seeds to overgrow anymore. have it your way.
sorry i inconvenienced all of you.


Morning growmies! Good news both jlc and chem daddy core popped a taproot. Plant count at 6. Nix and unicorn piss almost ready for up potting Sdk and sd finally showing a couple leafs.


Just send them inside a pen, go old school.

Shots fired

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As much as people are different here. I think some were just trying to office advice based on past experiences . But what we don’t need is people to get Pissy at others. This is supposes to be a contrustive place where we learn and grow and make friends. The attitude you are expressing isn’t the best way to express yourself. I understand we all know what we’re doing but we must learn not to get defensive, Were not your kids show a little respect to your piers


please explain to me what i did that was disrespectful.
this forum makes me feel like i have undiagnosed autism.

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Maybe this isn’t the place for you then.

I meen really…
I come back ten hours later, and your still on one. :woozy_face:


Let clear things up again.

Dude has been harassing me for a resend since the first week, on international mail. He was saying hes worried it never showed after a week, asking for a resend and “If I get both, I’ll send one back…” Lmfao

I told him to wait for delivery or for return to sender, this was ignored. Dude has been msging every week saying no pack and basically harassing me trying to get a resend.

He donated stamps, so I can continue my Giveaways… OGs bennifit, not mine. As a thank you I sent a pack of seed (have a picture of the package). Dude keeps saying he purchased shit from me, which is not the case.

I got you blocked after you tried calling me out last time, why would I answer if all you say is pack hasn’t shown, resend. From the first week and for 3 months since. How old do you think I am to fall for this bs? Your the only person saying pack hasnt shown. I send so many seed that you stand out like a sore thumb. Harassment and trying to make me look bad isn’t going to get another pack.

At this point, after sending 100s and 100s of packs since being back, this is only dude who keeps saying there is a problem, and has been since the first week. Boy who cried wolf?


Maybe stick to that mushroom forum, where you so proudly say in your profile “doesn’t play well with others”

I like sharing my sandbox, and happy to share my seed with anyone who plays nicely in it


I sent some to @Tlander over a month ago, they still haven’t showed. It takes time, sometimes. 2 months to Michigan and arrived with the envelope I sent a month before that.


I won some seeds from someone an after a month I messaged them an the said I’m young just have not mailed them yet lol
That was Feb
But I won’t call them out it’s about honor


One person on here has been saying they’re going to send me seeds for over a year now. Every few months I message them and they say “i’ll get that out.” It’s become a sort of a tradition.


There’s so many seeds an kindness goes to the moon an back on here so just be f happy everyone
Have a great day I stfu now


So much negativity is rare to see here. I am with @Osogreen261 , have an amazing day OGers.