Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 22)

what country you in… @Piter

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:es: Spain…

Cannabis cannot be commercially grown and sold in Spain, and cannot be legally consumed in public. But the government does not have the constitutional right to penalize anyone for consuming it in private.

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Most tests cannot determine when cannabis was consumed and if it was 2-3 days ago then it should not impair anyway. I believe there are companies working on this technology now. Plenty of people have beat OWI’s with THC in their blood in the US.

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Well, it can be comercially grow, but for now only for exporting to countrys where is legal. There is actually 25 companys allowed to do so.

It can be grow in private “out of sigh” (there is a gray zone in the law, so better take that as can NOT grow).
And yes, you can consume it in private, BUT when you drive, if it happend to be a traffic control and they do the “drogotest”, you could throw positive many days after consuming, and how is the traffic law redacted, they can santionate you 1000€ and 6 points less of the driving license.
A judge has already raised an request of “inconstitutionality” of that, but the supreme court refused it and explained that the “driving law” can do that.

For me is a method of f****ng the consumers for something that they do in private, because one thing is being santioned for driving UNDER the effects, but with residual traces is a shit. Depending on metabolism, it can throw positive a week after smoking.

And I can tell you that I am a bit aware of the laws that we have here.


:heart: :heart: :heart:I know some people may get bummed out with not having a spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, or partner for Valentine’s Day.
I’ll be your Valentine today! :kissing_heart:

I have some Peanut Butter BreathxMint Chocolate Trip beans to share.
If you don’t have a partner etc today please enter.

If you do, spend some time together, eat some food, w/e. No need to spend lots of $$$ just appreciate eachother.

  1. @Originalweedman
  2. @Sbeanonnamellow :us:
  3. @Lonelyoc
  4. @GallacreekD66
  5. @Kasper0909
  6. @HappyTrees23s :us: :cry:
  7. @Movement13
  8. @503BudMan
  9. @Trickster :us:
  10. @Abbbian
  11. @Cannaology :us:
  12. @tresbundles
  13. @Sailorboy
  14. @dingys
  15. @BuckeyeBeanz
  16. @creatorknbsland :brazil:
  17. @Trae1170 :us:
  18. @percyryan66 :us_outlying_islands:
  19. @Jhamersburg :us:
  20. @IKEA22
  21. @donuchee :us:
  22. @Osogreen261 :us:
  23. @globalhead
  24. @Dannyrawdog420
  25. @belleswell

add more #'s, ~open to anyone, but I’ll have a few more packs to share later
:heartbeat: :heartpulse: :green_heart:


My partner has already gone to bed, does that count as no having partner? :rofl:


Single as heck and fresh out of likes. :upside_down_face:

5 Likes Thanks a lot for an awesome giveaway!!
Currently loveless, except from the almighty whatever that may be!!
Love does find a way!! At least I hope!!
:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :exploding_head: :flushed: :astonished: :cat: :v: :clap: :dog: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :sweat_smile:


That is what I was wondering.


That is horrible :disappointed:
Hopefully they relax on the laws over there.
I’m glad you play it smart tho.

And man now I’m curious as to what you have :laughing:
I know a few strains from Spain I love.

Just stay safe out there.

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Lots of love for you here, Brother.


Well, perhaps they go ahead with the medical cannabis this time, and having degenerative arthrosis with some lumbar vertebraes damaged could allow me for a medical “exemption”… but politics are slooooowwwwww… and after that, the Doctors have to be involved and positive to prescribe it, and I think that they will be reaciuous at first. They are more on prescribing opiaceus. You know… pharma enterprises taking Doctors to congress and talks the weekends and $ … well… money moves the world.

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If it’s before 930pm I suppose. But it’s up to you, I didn’t specify it explicitly for single dingles

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Now it is 1:00 AM here… she went to bed one hour ago… I think that it is safe to go now. :rofl:


Skynet has spoken and what are the odds!!!

@Piter , congrats growmie please send me your details and the card/coin/seeds are on their way tomorrow. :smiley: :+1:


That’s brutal! Even the cops in Canada can drive and go on duty 24 hours after smoking!


Wow congratulations @Piter u struck gold. Wtg @Pigeonman u r 2 coo :bird:


Congratulations :tada::balloon::confetti_ball::champagne: @Piter on the win :trophy:, you truly hit GOLD on this one! Jew Gold 1974 S1 seeds in Custom Gold Coin + collectors card :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Thanks :blush: @Pigeonman for that GR8 giveaway! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::upside_down_face::star_struck::wink::facepunch::tophat::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Thats so cool of u . I can t do the holidays anymore. After I got hurt my kids mom split up with the me .I have 2 kids with and spent 23 years with ,these special days suck . I appreciate the gesture . Hope everyone is having a great day …