Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 22)

@Fortman420 I’ve noticed in the wikis it keeps messing up at your name. You need to put a space in between your name and the : for the flag :+1:t2::+1:t2:

It’s why your flag is bigger :wink:


My ex broke up with me on Valentine’s day… Then her and her son (who I went to court and was a legal guardian of) continued to live in my house for 6 weeks. If I ever said she had to go but her son could live with me forever, she’d immediately run to her son and say they both had to leave.

I despise this day.

And the new Mrs likes to celebrate it.


That heart for your post is a virtual hug, not a like!



I m so sorry man. My ex had 2 kids when we met so I relate to caring about the kid. It kills me every year man . I miss the whole family life . I hope things work out for u brother.


Isn’t bigger better :metal:

Thanks for the help on that


I feel you @percyryan66 . For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing it right. I’m fixing up my physical and mental health right now. Single until I get my “feet” under me in both those areas.

Was listening to this guy last night - he’s really helped me, and coincidentally at one point on this video he affirms what feels true to me. Physical health first, mental health second, stability in both for a good long spell, and only then try to make more close relationships.

Relationships can be a wonderful support, but they can wreck you so hard too. I don’t think I’d make it through that kind of crash right now. Been doing better for about three weeks, but a long way to go still.

Better to hug my cat. I’ve got extras. Anyone local, feel free to hmu for a cat. :wink: They don’t ship easily, sorry to those more distant!


It was a few years ago now, but I still think about him every day…

A little while ago I found him on Facebook on stoned night… I was going to tell him how it all went down… How I’ve never stopped thinking about him… By morning, after he had accepted my friend request, I decided that causing more pain in that family would help absolutely no one. If I have to be the bad guy, I don’t have a huge impact on his life, I can do that go save the relationship with his mom.

Still hurts every day, especially today… But now I roll a doob, think about the good times, and enjoy seeing some OG generosity :grin::metal:


I backed off of everyone for like, a year… Just me and my pup, living out in the country, commuting into town on the days I couldn’t work from home. It was aaaaaamzing. The problem is, I liked it too much, and living with other people again is a total reintegration… What’s it called when you drop someone in a totally different society? Culture shock? Yeah, that’s what it’s like, haha


I can totally relate . My kids mother used her kids and mine to hurt me .You not telling him the truth says alot about your character. and how much u truly cared for him. I hope he does end up finding out the truth . It s a no win situation and it sucks …


I went thru the same thing man , ,Homeless . Got back into growing and helping others is what got me straightened out . I been clean for over a year and try to better my life each day . Once u hit your 40 s and up finding a special someone seems more luck like then a reality these days… I hope u keep doing good brother. Your a great dude and deserve a great life as every one else…


Just logged on today, thanks for the win! Thanks for the congrats also guys
Edit: also, congrats on the win


I left my ex an everything I grow with including all my belongings I owned for yrs
Left with my cat car an clothes
Dropped 1 Scorpion Diablo at my moms in San Diego for future runs
But I hit my sanity an cat
That’s why I’m locked out of my osogreen acct on here from those days. She changed all my email passwords f up ugh f up

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Such a great name
Thanks for opportunity

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fuckin cheaters man…

i’m going way too far off of the thread’s purpose

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Many, many thanks!!

Thanks to all for the congrats and to @Pigeonman for this amazing giveaway!

(Note: yes… many !!! but spanish, and galicians in particular are known for being loud :rofl: )


From :es: to the :world_map:
Tomorrow is friday here, and we are under rains and high humidity, so this and the previous one that is still to draw will ship the monday (I don’t want them to stay in the mailbox exposed to elements).
So lets spend some stamp more…

I will choose one winner for ONE pack to choose from:
Wild Thai×PinkFloyd, (Photo/regulars)
Bubblegum×PinkFloyd, (Photo/regulars)
Mango Widow×PinkFloyd, (Photo/regulars)
Twin Floyd (PinkFloyd big twin ×Pink Floyd Little twin), (Photo/regulars)

Wild Thai is from world of seeds.
Mango Widow and Pink Floyd are from Mr.Nice seeds.
Bubblegum was a gift from a shop.

Please do not overwrite, overwrite disqualifies. I will choose a winner this night, when I came back from work (more or less the same hour than yesterday draw)

  1. @NDNCHILD :us:
  2. @DirtySlowToes :us:
  3. @Greenfingers :us:
  4. @Illicitmango :us:
  5. @OhNo555 :us: :comet:
  6. @Sailorboy :us:
  7. @Movement13 :us:
  8. @Sbeanonnamellow :us:
  9. @HappyTrees23s :us:
  10. @OnePassionateGrower :us:
  11. @Scarlyle :us:
  12. @HollySun91
  13. @Fortman420 :canada:
  14. @Abbbian
  15. @blowdout2269
  16. @JOHN1234 :us:
  17. @MikeyMeteor
  18. @Trickster :us:
  19. @THCeed
  20. @anonymous4289
  21. @Jhamersburg
  22. @GallacreekD66
  23. @BuckeyeBeanz :us:
  24. @MyrtleGrounds :us:
  25. @Conitl :us:
  26. @Chasev89 USA
  27. @LzBoy :canada:
  28. @freed111 :canada:
  29. @Ratbastrd :us:
  30. @funkyfunk
  31. @luxton :canada:
  32. @Osogreen261
  33. @belleswell
  34. @Kasper0909
  35. @Trae1170 :us:
  36. @Cannaology :us:
  38. @DiRtYSkuNkZ
  39. @Ethereal :belgium:
  40. @Cartwright :us:
  41. @Originalweedman
  42. @Trial-N-Error :us:
  43. @dingys :brazil:
  44. @donuchee :us:

Please add numbers as required and good luck!


Thanks for the chance @Piter in your GR8 giveaway, I see the giveaway bug :beetle: has bitten you. Glad :slightly_smiling_face: to see you having fun :star_struck: and spreading the wealth. :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::facepunch::wink::+1::star_struck::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Good luck to all! :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers::desert_island::blush::upside_down_face::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Well, I received many gifts from OGrs… so now that I can share… LETs do IT!! :grimacing:
And as I still have many stamps… while they last and have seeds, I have to pay for my sins (seed addiction) :rofl:

Thanks and goodluck everybody!


Dam @DirtySlowToes you are up early! :sun_with_face::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol: