Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 22)

Congrats @PioneerValleyOG


Sweet win @PioneerValleyOG! Muchas gracias for your awesomeness @DougDawson. Many blessings and much love


So just so folks are aware, I mail out stuff normally once a week. I print off my address labels, pack on the weekends and send out on Mondays normally. Sometimes due to having a life, I miss a week, so it could take 2 weeks to send out stuff sometimes. I will not pressure myself too much about sending out free stuff, all that matters to me is it goes out. Just this week both of these piles were put in the mail. One on Tuesday and one on Thursday. Believe it or not, it’s a fair amount of work putting together all those seeds and pollen packs. Then addressing, stamping and personalizing each envelope with my avatar. I deal with pretty high volumes and even reship stuff that doesn’t make it based purely on the honor system so I would say it’s best to follow the advice above and be patient. It normally pays off in the end. :v:


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…I can’t believe you find the time to do this so often!

Unbelievable Doug!


PVOG back with a win!!! How cool.
Congrats @PioneerValleyOG :partying_face:

Thanks again Doug!


Yes sir I am…but like I had said it’s been about a year since I’ve been on the site (on a regular basis) and I forgot that it takes a while for these deliveries to come thru. It’s all good.


Thanks Doug for all you do. Many little things take time. It is appreciated.


No worries @Hashton_Kusha , I just wanted to explain to all how my sending works really. That pollen you won was on a Saturday so it would have been printed the following week and mailed this past week. It would be in the larger pile in the pics. Coming from Canada can take a bit but you should see it towards the end of this coming week or the week after. That’s all on the post office at this point. :v:


We appreciate what you do, Mail them when ever you have time.
If someone complains, Throw the Ban hammer at them… :smiley:
You are the Best Doug./. :boom: :boom: :boom: :100: :100: :100: :partying_face: :partying_face: :fire: :fire: :fire:


Respect doug for the time you give to this plant and this place. Keep up the good job!


@DougDawson DD you da man!!!
We can only say a million thanks to you brother!!
Doubt whether there is even one here to get even close to you,
and we do have tons of amazing OGers round here, please don’t get me wrong!!
DD you awesome!!
:v: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs: :sunglasses: :v:
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


From :es: to the :world_map:
Saturday night here…So… wiki timeeeee.

I will choose one winner for ONE pack to choose from:
Wild Thai×PinkFloyd, (Photo/regulars)
Bubblegum×PinkFloyd, (Photo/regulars)
Mango Widow×PinkFloyd, (Photo/regulars)
Twin Floyd (PinkFloyd big twin ×Pink Floyd Little twin), (Photo/regulars)

Wild Thai is from world of seeds.
Mango Widow and Pink Floyd are from Mr.Nice seeds.
Bubblegum was a gift from a shop.

Please do not overwrite, overwrite disqualifies. I will choose a winner tomorrow.

  1. @Growgrassblowglass :us:
  2. @Sbeanonnamellow :us:
  3. @MikeyMeteor
  4. @OnePassionateGrower
  5. @luxton :canada:
  6. @Mad_Barry :australia:
  7. @Chara :us:
  8. @Fortman420 :canada:
  9. @Abbbian
  10. @Illicitmango :us:
  11. @GallacreekD66
  12. @cannaology :us:
  13. @THCeed
  14. @LzBoy :canada:
  15. @Originalweedman
  16. @Zolorp :us:
  17. @Sailorboy :us:
  18. @503BudMan
  19. @Osogreen261
  20. @Scarlyle :us:
  21. @blowdout2269
  22. @Sintax :us:
  23. @HollySun91
  24. @misterbee :us: :honeybee:
  25. @percyryan66 :us_outlying_islands:
  26. @Dannyrawdog420
  27. @Conitl
  28. @JOHN1234 :us:
  29. @OhNo555 :us: :dizzy:
  30. @OGSince03 :us:
  31. @PsillyRabbit
  32. @Cloud9
  33. @Trickster :us:
  34. @MyrtleGrounds :us:
  35. @Jhamersburg :us:
  36. @BuckeyeBeanz
  37. @Trae1170 :us:
  38. @Cormoran
  39. @globalhead :india:
  40. @STIGGY :us:
  41. @dingys :brazil:
  42. @Crawfish :canada:
    Please add numbers as required.

Out of likes momentarily so I just wanted to formally say that I like this. Thanks for the chance at some sweet seeds @Piter!


@Sbeanonnamellow You was the first to reply… so you are discarded from the wiki. :rofl:
Nah, just kidding… but, send me a DM with your addy and your pick!

EDIT: Keep yourself in the wiki, if the RNG gets lucky on you, you will pick one more, and I will pick another winner more also.


Thanks for the shot! that wild thai has my eye :sunglasses:

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Thanks for the chance @Piter!

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Twin Floyd for me cmon Lady Luck. Thanks @Piter for sharing that Mr nice


@Piter Gracias hombre!!
Muy bueno!! Ahora si!!
Vale! :v: :partying_face: :flushed:

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You had me going for a minute! Thought I misstepped with the quick reply. Thanks for the laugh! Been interested in your Pink Floyd ever since seeing some being shared on the take some leave some thread. I’m stoked for to have a choice at such stellar genetics! I’m a fan of MNS and think there’s some great stuff in your Pink Floyd work. I’ll definitely need a bit of time to decide. Thanks for the nice surprise win! Curious to know about the Pink Floyd big twin x Pink Floyd little twin, did you find a set of twins from a single seed and they were male and female and you made seeds with them?

Edit to say I found your awesome thread with all the lineage and other descriptive information about these lines. DM heading your way soon.


Mine came in from you @Piter, just want to say thank you again!