Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 23)

Oh shit ok ya I hope I didn’t do any of that my bad if I did just kick me out of the drawing it’s fair game

@Pigeonman would recommend shouting at them. Have you tried this? I’ve really taken to the practice. Honestly I’m not sure if the plants are showing improvement but I always feel a lot better! :crazy_face:


Sure you do bud :call_me_hand:t2:
How about pack of White Widow 99% fems mom was from Growers Choice ,Dad is unknown.
Send me your addy in a PM and I’ll get them out to you in the morning.
Welcome To Heaven On Earth
Also known as Overgrow :green_heart:


I’m sure I’ll get some seeds it’ll just take time lol but I did receive some good news all of our loan papers are in an we should here back from lender see what we’re working with I’m just hoping to find a lil fixer upper on 5 or more acres would be perfect lol anywho have a great OG FAM


Very little time!
Nice job OPG! :fist:t3::feather::feather:


How do I do PM or do I just send it in message

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HECK ya thank u man I really really like WW it’s my favorite actually that an white rhino


well I got some seeds THANKS to an OG brother @OnePassionateGrower damn bro thank u so so much i owe u now an i will follow up with paying it forward to OG like u have again THANK U


This is where the magic lies in the technique!


I give them some music for them ladies to dance too lol


Some good OLD classic music I think they like it lol

This is just one of the lowest branches lol she don’t look to shabby does she


You are grower of the day
That was bad ass


Ya like how do I do like a shout out for him that was very very badass what u did I’m greatly appreciated for that

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We were all him when we first started :100:
super excited to get going and growing, just wanted to be able to give him an outlet. We’re all bad ass as a collective you included brother.
OG is Life :green_heart:


I agree any of my seeds I would almost give if I knew it really helped someone
An if I had an abundance I prob give most away
When I had house full I gave it away to any fighting cancer or AIDS in so cal where I grew
I gave so much away
I love happiness an peace before tangible items


Also visit Johnny Potseeds hall of fame genetics thread. Great selection for a decent price. And he can use some sales right now from our community.


EXACTLY :100: everyone here on OG is BADASS

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Yes I seen that I actually got 20 bucks worth as Im strapped for cash as saving up for down payment on a house we just got all the paperwork in today so hoping we get great news next few days but JP is a legend here so I couldn’t not help out

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Type the “@“ sign and then their username like @Cummings420 to tag someone in your post :+1:

Excellent idea! I got a ton of beans from JP during the first few months after I joined. Great price, great genetics, and you’ll always get more than your money’s worth with him.

And if you’re up for some fun, maybe come check out the auction that is currently running. Goes until Sunday 9/22 at 9PM Eastern. There are currently several Lots that don’t even have an opening bid on them… could be won for as little as $15 if no one else places as higher bid AND the money is to support our friend / a real OG of OGs :v:


Ya I been watching it it’s awesome man watching the OG FAM come together to help out the legend JP it’s heartwarming honestly

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