Freezer curing

Pretty much man. I usually hang dry for about a week or so, until the stems inside of the big buds want to snap cleanly and gently, without peeling (too wet) or cracking super loud and hard like a dry bone. Basically once the buds are just dry enough to run through a grinder easily and stay lit in a joint but still as fresh as possible considering that, they’re good to bag. You could wet trim and do the same thing, I use a drying rack too sometimes just to save space

My buds might see a jar for a couple hours just while I work on the other plants, but I’m not babysitting and burping them all day long that’s for sure. It does help a little to let the bud sit jarred for maybe 30 or 60 min before bagging it to even out the moisture, it does help give a better idea of how moist it really is, which can save you from accidentally getting that horrible fishy smell from jarring bud too early


Isn’t frost free for the freezer not the fridge section? The frost free, at least for the freezer curing, is important because it removes the moisture aka frost so things stay dry …or in our case dry out.

This is the exact same one I got off Craigslist and have been using for a few years, with the freezer deleted for more room, since it’s not a reliable freezer for anything. The thermostat on mine runs as warm as 45-50 degrees turned just on, I usually run #3-4 at 35-40F.

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The old school way
Is to bend stems
If it snaps just top half at bend and only kinks below you under 70% rh , good to jar and burp down to desired rh

Like child’s green stick fracture
: )

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Heyyyyyy thanks brotha! Will more than likely grab that one, especially since you have used it for awhile and threw out some settings for me. That freezer also looks easy enough to get rid of…

When I end up getting it I may be up hitting you up for a little bit of information if I need it

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I just took the door off of it so the cold drops down, the way these are designed the idea is that the cooling element is in the freezer and it leaks down to the fridge, that’s why the stupid little freezer is not reliable. I think it’s well worth it, the thing costs me about $5/mo to run even with stupid expensive electric, and I have good peace of mind about my long term stash.


For my buds, the freezer is the best long term storage, as there is as close to no degrading during the freeze.
The cure happens as you cull them, the timer starts running.
With so many different environments, folks have come with great ways and ideas, to cure buds.
I think there is a special environment regulating cabinett to do that for us now.
It’s out of my realm, but looks like a fine piece of technology.
I’d NOT go buy a freezer just for weed, myself.
For us, one is running anyway, so I found those buds perfect as the day go in, a year or more later.
Just my $0.02