Freezer curing

How many here cure their buds in a frost free feezer? I remember a thread on this at ICMAG but am curious how many here do it. I’ve tried it a few times, long time ago, and it seemed to work but I don’t have much to compare to as I’ve only done a regular cure once. The freezer made it so easy. I just cut and trimmed the buds, left them on a drying rack for a few days until the stems got dry enough to snap. Then I placed the buds in brown paper lunch bags …then into the “Frost Free” freezer for two weeks to four weeks.

Anybody else do this? Any tips and tricks you learned that helps. I believe Rosenthal had this method in a book from what I can gather by the OP at ICMAG.


I do a lotus cure. It’s like what you are describing by I use a frost free refrigerator and hang on racks for a week at 50 degrees 40% humidity, then into brown bags for three days, than into jars and burped down to 62%. Combine this with Doc Ds bud washing method and it’s fantastic.


How do you control the fridge temp and humidity so tightly? Most fridges have hot and cold spots even with the thermostat set to something specific. How do you control the humidity so well? Are you saying they go into brown bags back into the fridge?

I used 62% boveda packs but think I’ll use 58% next time.


Use the fridge dial for temp. I place pans of water in the refrigerator to increase humidity. Research and understanding of humidity/temperature relationship is necessary. Yes, I place flower in bags inside of refrigerator. Use a temp/humidity wireless gauge to get info and try not to open refrigerator door needlessly.

Understand that the ambient temp effects how much the refrigerator runs ie. moves air. In a hot garage I increase number of water pans to keep humidity good due to refrigerator running more to keep temp cool. In the wintertime in cooler garage I use fewer or no water pans.

Takes a run or two to dial in but it’s worth it.


Cool, have you tried the freezer method to? Just curious if you have so you could compare.

Thanks for sharing.

I have not tried the freezer method

Funny I was talking to a friend about this Yesterday…Convo started out about Washing & Water Curing…Then made it’s way to Cold Curing…I too am very interested!!..They Moment I made Fresh Frozen Bubble Hash I knew there was something to it…Best tasting hash I’ve ever had…Also curious about this Piattella Hash thing going on…Fad, Gimmick or Real deal?

Shout out to @Taproot for this Convo & Salute to @ChinookKing for dropping Jems (Lotus Cure) that I’m def gonna pick up & shine …do a little research :pray:

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I will post a pic of my methods later


I can say this, if you use the kitchen freezer make sure to remove all the food to say a deep freezer or something cause it will make the whole freezer smell and I did have to chunk some food as it tasted like weed. Lucky for me, my Samsung at that time had a split freezer so I used one side for food and one side for curing.


Same for the refrigerator. I ruined a few thanksgiving pies last year and now I’m banished from the fridge from November through December. Live, learn, don’t piss off the wife. :laughing:



Too bad they don’t make a small, office fridge size, frost free freezer; I’d store my seeds and cure in the same one.

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I cure in a small apartment fridge set to 40ish degrees, after a few weeks of hanging and burping in bins, I strip the branches into Grove bags at basement temp of 75F and cure for a month or two before moving them into the fridge for longer curing


Awesome. One thing I liked about the freezer was set it and forget it…no burping. And, once they come out they are done…they continue to I guess refine in a jar.

I found the OG thread.

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hate to break it to you…but that is the regular way :joy:

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Ah, no sir. You have to jar them then babysit them by all the burping over a period of time. I don’t have to do this with the freezer method at all.

neither do I. Vac seal and they’re done :sunglasses::+1:

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imo burping is only necessary if they were jarred too wet to begin with

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Interesting, so you just let them dry for a few day then vacuum seal and they continue to cure; I ask because they need air to cure out.

Do you store in a fridge or freezer after sealing them?

If anyone has a brand/model or link to a cheapish fridge/mini fridge or wine cooler that works for this let me know! I’m looking into it, just too many options out there and would like to know what someone has actually used/works for them.

I don’t really want to get a used fridge from craigslist or Facebook. I actually have an old fridge in the garage that was left in the house when we got it, sounds like it works but I’m pretty sure the compressor needs fixed because it never really got cold at all. Not sure if it’s frost free, might be worth looking into what model that is and trying to fix it.

Otherwise imma go with my tent or buy a secondary small tent to do it the old fashioned way.

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